Tag: anniversary

Self Indulgent 10th Anniversary Post

Self Indulgent 10th Anniversary Post

It is a truth universally acknowledged that if one does not loudly proclaim one’s anniversary on the internet, the anniversary is not valid. Hey, Jim! We’ve been married a WHOLE DECADE. High five! (Remember that time I wrote you anniversary limericks? This post is almost as cool.) It is, apparently, a THING, in some corners… Read more »


Top Ten Tuesday Anniversary!

Top Ten Tuesday Anniversary!

Greetings Bookworms! Can you believe it’s been almost 3 years that I’ve been writing this blog? Time sure flies when you’re utterly ridiculous. But it’s not MY anniversary today. The Broke and the Bookish are celebrating 5 years of Top Ten Tuesday. We’ve been invited to share ten of our favorite topics from the last… Read more »


Keeping it Weird

Keeping it Weird

Howdy Bookworms, I’m going to take a little break from books today because today marks 5 years that Hubs and I have been hitched. In past years I’ve come up with clever limericks and other silliness, but this year I’m going to seize the opportunity to post wedding photos because I am fresh out of… Read more »


An Anniversary Song

An Anniversary Song

Howdy Bookworms! Today marks four years since I married Jim. Last year I wrote a series of Limericks to celebrate. This year I thought I’d try my hand at a song parody. I’m bad at being overtly affectionate, so I opt for the tongue-in-cheek. I got in touch with my inner Carly Simon, and it’s…… Read more »

