Hiya Bookworms, This is the twenty first weekly update I’ve written this year so far. And, fun fact- my baby cousin turned 21 last week. I know that doesn’t seem super interesting, except that my whole life all my cousins on both sides of the family were relatively close age-wise. I was a teenager and… Read more »
Month: May 2020
2020 Weekly Wrap-Up: The Twentieth
Hoo Boy, Bookworms, TWENTY weeks into TWENTY TWENTY and I’m SO ready for a re-do. Dumb year. But I’m blogging again, so I guess that’s not the worst thing? Whatever. We’re still doing our best hanging out at home, attempting to work full time and keep a toddler from self destructing. It’s hard, but what… Read more »
Weekly Wrap-Up 2020: The Nineteenth
Greetings Bookworms, Yet another week of staying home has passed by. I think I’ve adjusted to the point where this situation feelsĀ almostĀ normal, but that means my brain keeps thinking about normal things. Like, it’ll pop into my head that I should run to the store to pick something up. But running to the store isn’t… Read more »
Weekly Wrap-Up 2020: The Eighteenth
Holy Heck, Bookworms, This Quarantine business is a roller coaster ride. We’ll have several nice and uneventful days in parenting and working-from-home land, and then BAM. No sleep for half the night, and the kid skips his nap, oof. This post is definitely not going to be going live “on schedule” (as though I’m rigorous… Read more »