Category: Romance

Welcome to Sabine Valley!

Welcome to Sabine Valley!

Salutations, Bookworms! Did you know that this blog is nearly 10 years old now? I KNOW. While I never got Blog Famous or made money, this blog has yielded the most amazing dividends in internet friendships. One of the first people I met via blogging was a Canadian gal named Ash. (She doesn’t blog anymore,… Read more »



Love Me, Love Me, Say That You Love Me: The Foolproof Love Trilogy by Katee Robert

Love Me, Love Me, Say That You Love Me: The Foolproof Love Trilogy by Katee Robert

Where are my came-of-age-in-the-90s Bookworms? “Lovefool” by the Cardigans was possibly the greatest song my 13 year old self had ever, ever heard. It was, naturally, the first thing that popped into my head when I contemplated writing the blog post about Katee Robert’s Foolproof Love series. I mean. Love. Fool. Lovefool. Only this series… Read more »







2022, Week the Ninth: Slow Burn Romances

2022, Week the Ninth: Slow Burn Romances

Hello My Darling Bookworms, I know I’ve been slacking. It’s just that winter is so… Wintery. Today, however, it feels like spring time and the sun has energized me. I’d catch you up on life stuff, but nothing terribly interesting has been going on for us specifically. Thankfully. That is not something I’m taking for… Read more »

