Greetings Bookworms, Since I read so many Ice Planet Barbarians books (review, more) AND I loved Ann Aguirre’s take on witchy romance (review), I decided that I was fully prepared to read Ann Aguirre’s take on alien romance. I may not have been as prepared as I thought I was, but sometimes you gotta leap… Read more »
Category: Science Fiction
2022, Week the Fourth: Sweet Scintillating Science Fiction
Hey Bookworms, This week was all about trying to get back into “normal” routines (you know, as normal as anything gets anymore.) I thought about throwing together a quick post about children’s books because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to articulate my thoughts about these two complex reads, but I’m going to make an… Read more »
2021, Week the Thirty-Third: I Read Even More Alien Romance Novels. Still Not Mad About It.
Ho, Bookworms. Remember a few weeks back when I told you all about the Ice Planet Barbarians series by Ruby Dixon and how I was binge reading them? Well. I took a short break and then started up again. What?! They’ve very enjoyable, OK? And, I’m refusing to call them a “guilty” pleasure no matter… Read more »
2021, Week the Twenty-Ninth: In Which I’m a Bit of a Grump
Hiya Bookworms, I realize I missed a couple weeks, but since it’s a bonkers time at work and a bonkers time at home with the upcoming move, I’m just going to be a hot mess for a while. A hot mess who is ravenously devouring books as a coping mechanism because I am deeply uncomfortable… Read more »
2021, Week the Twenty Sixth: I Read a Bunch of Romance Novels About Blue Aliens and I’m Not Mad About It
Hey Bookworms, I have a bookternet friend, Sarah. She’s never steered me wrong when it comes to romances, it’s true, but when she started talking about a series called Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon I wasn’t sure that I wanted to go there. I don’t want to yuck anyone else’s yum, but I typically… Read more »
2021, Week the Twenty-Fifth: A Deal With the Devil
Hey Bookworms, There is absolutely no common thread in any of the books I’m talking about this week. I mean, it is the mishiest mashiest roundup. Some weeks are like that, though. And other weeks you binge read a bunch of romance novels featuring blue aliens… Oh wait. I’m telling you about those NEXT week…. Read more »
2021, Week the Twenty-Third: I’ll Take Disturbing Sci-Fi for $300, Alex
Greetings Bookworms, I took a break from my endless stream of romantic comedies to read some science fiction. I read one book at the suggestion of a group of long time bookternet friends and the others at the suggestion of “you bought this series on sale because you typically love the author but it’s been… Read more »
Boosting Black Voices: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Greetings Bookworms, Remember a while back when I did a listicle promoting Black rom-coms? I’ve had this list of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy authors percolating in the back of my brain since then. Actually, I’ve had the skeleton of this post written since then, but you know, LIFE. I was spurred to finally get this… Read more »
Nightmarish Mermaid Novellas
Howdy Howdy Bookworms! How’s about that title? Those are words I wouldn’t have expected to put together, but here we are. I spent a chunk of last week listening to some nightmarish mermaid novellas. It was wild and I’m going to tell you all about it. Prepare yourselves, Ariel stans: this is going to get… Read more »
The Xenogenesis Trilogy by Octavia Butler
Howdy Bookworms, Can we talk about how brilliant Octavia Butler is for a minute? I refuse to discuss her in the past tense, despite her having shuffled off this mortal coil a little over a decade ago. I have read quite a chunk of her body of work at this point, and I am blown away… Read more »