Howdy Bookworms! It’s been far too long since we read a book together, I think. Who’s up for another installment of The Fellowship of the Worms?! This time around, I’ve decided on A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. Here’s the Goodreads synopsis: In Tokyo, sixteen-year-old Nao has decided there’s only one escape from… Read more »
Month: July 2015
Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
Greetings Bookworms! I typically have no idea what’s going on in publishing. I don’t know who gets big advances or whose cover art is the coolest or why they change the cover art when they go from hardcover to paperback or from North America to Europe. Luckily, from time to time, someone throws me a bone. I… Read more »
Questioning Katie: What’s Your Patronus?
Greetings Bookworms! I’ve been feeling uninspired and unconnected lately. I don’t have good reasons as to why, I just do. It makes me think that I ought to change things up a little blog-wise, so I thought I’d take a page out of Reddit’s book. Only not really, because Reddit is easily the meanest corner… Read more »
The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy E. Reichert
Bon Appetit, Bookworms! The fact that I basically want to eat everything I read about is well documented, but it’s rare that I decide to read a book based solely on its delicious-sounding title. I had a case of the mid-afternoon snack attack when I was browsing NetGalley one day when I ran across The… Read more »
Words for Worms Rewind: I Just Don’t Get It. Keep it Copasetic.
Hi Ho Bookworms! Today I’m turning back the clock again, because I’ve still got some posts that were devoured by the internet’s gaping maw during my blog transfer to self-hosting many moons ago. I’ve been peppering them in here and there so my genius isn’t lost. That, and I’ve been extremely lazy lately and these… Read more »
Top Ten Tuesday: Diverse Characters
Greetings Bookworms! It’s Tuesday and I haven’t made you a list in forever! This week, the folks at The Broke and the Bookish have challenged us to come up with a list of diverse characters. Honestly, I feel a little squidgy discussing diversity, because it feels like it’s so easy to do it wrong. But…. Read more »
The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker
Happy Monday Bookworms! I know Mondays are a total bummer, but they’re only 24 hours. Every day is, in fact, a gloriously predictable 24 hours. Unless, of course, you live in the world of my latest read, The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker. Ever wished there were more hours in a day? Better… Read more »
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
Howdy Bookworms! You know those lists? The ones that float around on the internet that tell you which books you ought to have read already and how you suck at life for not meeting an arbitrary milestone? Perhaps you just kind of ignore the smug implications of such lists. I wish I could. List bullies…. Read more »
MOAR Audio Book Mini Reviews
Howdy Howdy Bookworms! I’ve been reading with both my eyes and my ears this summer. Reading with your ears is totally a thing that counts. I REFUSE to accept that audio books don’t count as reading. Poppycock! Of course, not every book I read (with eyes or ears) is something I feel like writing a… Read more »
Shirley Jackson Reading Week: We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Greetings Bookworms! I’m highly susceptible to suggestion. Why, last week I was reading a book where the characters were devouring a ham, and I really wanted to eat some ham. A legit ham, too, none of this cold cut nonsense. The very next day someone posted a photo of their fried fish that happened to… Read more »