What. A. Week. I expected January to be bleak, because it’s January, but in comes 2022, defying all expectations. To make a very long story short, we were put into quarantine after one of Sammy’s daycare teachers tested positive for COVID. When I tested Sammers the next morning, BAM. Blazing positive on the home test…. Read more »
Category: Fantasy
2021, Week the Forty Eighth: You Can Read More than O-one Thing
Hello Hello, Bookworms, You know what’s awesome about books? Basically everything, TBH, but I like dabbling in different genres. Like, today I’m going to tell you about an African inspired YA fantasy novel and then jump into a Hollywood rom-com and we’ll finish off with a tasty sporty morsel of a romance. I know I’ve… Read more »
2021, Week the Thirty-Seventh: Curiouser and Curiouser
Hello Bookworms, How are we all coping this week? Well, I hope. Or at least, as well as can be expected under the circumstances. My week got off to a rocky start because a certain 4 year old of my acquaintance decided that he wants to be a pre-school dropout. After some mild cajoling, I… Read more »
2021, Week the Nineteenth: It’s not Pride and Prejudice… But it’s Kind of Pride and Prejudice.
Hello Hello, Bookworms! Another week has gone by and we’re getting more and more re-integrated into life as it once was. Now that our extended family circles are fully vaccinated (minus the kids, of course, but they’ll all be vaccinated as soon as it’s approved) we’ve been making plans for visits and birthdays and summer… Read more »
2021, Week the Twelfth: It’s FINE.
Greetings Bookworms! This week I celebrated my second birthday under quarantine. I was told that I don’t have to count birthdays during the lost year, so I’m happy to report that I remain 36 years old. Just kidding. I’m 38 and it’s FINE. Really. I don’t know why I continuously have anxiety about aging because… Read more »
2021, Week the Eleventh: Jolly Madcap Rom-Coms with a Side of Faeries
Hello There, Bookworms, Ah, another week into 2021. Still pretty much the same old story around our house, but I’m optimistic that things will change soon. I mean, they have to, right? Because my “two weeks” of working from home with a toddler has been a OVER A YEAR. Vaccines are finally becoming less scarce,… Read more »
2021: Week the Tenth, Aural Adoration
Howdy Bookworms, Exciting week! I finished an audio book I’ve been working on for a while AND got through a second audio book! Sam and I have reached an agreement on the nap front. IE: I no longer expect that he’ll nap as a matter of course. We’ve compromised on his having “quiet time” in… Read more »
2021, Week the Seventh: Winter. Bleh.
Greetings Bookworms, It’s been frigid here in the Midwest for a solid week. Not just cold, but like, “you’re definitely going to get frostbite” cold. Which is extremely frustrating when you’re cooped up in a too-small house with a toddler who hasn’t played with other children in nearly a year. Throughout the pandemic we’ve had… Read more »
2021 Week The Third: A Magical Mystery Tour
Greetings Bookworms! Today feels so good. The sun is shining, it’s one of those sneaky January days when 46 degrees feels like summer, and politics are boring again. What a wonderful world. Well, a wonderful and deeply flawed world, but let’s focus on the positive for a few minutes, at least. I have read some… Read more »
2020 Weekly Wrap-Up: The Thirty-Ninth
Hiiiiii Bookworms, I finished reading some books this week! Yay me! This week we decided to take a quick weeknight trip to a local apple orchard/pumpkin patch. We didn’t go to the super popular one because crowds. And, actually, crowd avoidance was why we went on a Monday night. We may be the last people… Read more »