Greetings Bookworms, We’ve got soe big things on the horizon this week. Sammy will be going on his very first field trip! I will be chaperoning, because I too want to go to the pumpkin patch. Plus, seventeen four-year-olds really cannot have enough adult supervision. Let’s hope this whole endeavor runs smoothly, because frankly, I… Read more »
Category: Weekly Wrap-Up
2021, Week the Twenty-Fourth: Blessed be the Rom-Com
Hiya Bookworms, Sam has been back in daycare for about 2 months now. It’s been good for him, though, not without its challenges, and it’s provided me with a heck of a lot more quiet time than I’d become accustomed to (hence all the audiobook bingeing.) I am still working from home, mostly because I… Read more »
2021, Week the Eighteenth: In Which Katie Ignores Synopses- Twice
Howdy Bookworms, Since my kidlet has returned to school, I’ve had more opportunity to enjoy listening to audio books. It’s been a bit of a binge listening situation around here. I’m also still reading with my eyeballs, too, of course, but I really missed audio books. Sammers has been doing well at school, and despite… Read more »
2021, Week The Sixteenth: Normal? What’s Normal?
Hidey Ho, Bookworms,Sorry I flaked on you last week but it was a doozy. As of last Saturday I am fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (both shots plus 2 weeks.) So is my husband. Working from home full time for an entire year with a toddler was not doing either me or the toddler any favors…. Read more »
2021, Week the Fourteenth: I Feel Fine Enough, I Guess. Considering Everything’s a Mess.
Hidey Ho, Bookworms!I was trying to think of a subtitle for this week’s blog and all I could come up with were 20 year old Barenaked Ladies lyrics. Hi, I’m An Old. Anyway. I’m very very slowly meandering through a non-fiction book right now. It’s really good and interesting but I just cannot read non… Read more »
2021, Week the Twelfth: It’s FINE.
Greetings Bookworms! This week I celebrated my second birthday under quarantine. I was told that I don’t have to count birthdays during the lost year, so I’m happy to report that I remain 36 years old. Just kidding. I’m 38 and it’s FINE. Really. I don’t know why I continuously have anxiety about aging because… Read more »
2021, Week the Eleventh: Jolly Madcap Rom-Coms with a Side of Faeries
Hello There, Bookworms, Ah, another week into 2021. Still pretty much the same old story around our house, but I’m optimistic that things will change soon. I mean, they have to, right? Because my “two weeks” of working from home with a toddler has been a OVER A YEAR. Vaccines are finally becoming less scarce,… Read more »
2021, Week the Ninth: The Lost Year
Howdy Bookworms, It’s March again. I’m having some feelings about the lost year. That’s what it feels like. It’s just… Lost. There’s stuff that should have happened that just didn’t. It’s a weird, time-warp-y situation, especially since we’re (knock wood) starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. A year ago I… Read more »
2021, Week the Eighth: Say Hello to My Frayed Nerve Endings
Hey There, Hi There, Ho There, Bookworms! I hope you’re all warm and safe and healthy. I don’t know that I have a ton of readers at the moment, but if any of you are reading this from Texas, I sure hope things have improved for you. What a nightmare! I’m just here in the… Read more »
2021, Week The Sixth: A Bit of a Mishmash
Howdy Bookworms, I started compiling this post last week, but since I published a post of Kid Lit last week, I figured I’d save these discussions for later. Plus, I’m moving rather slowly through my current read and would have had no books to tell you about had I not procrastinated. Because I do almost… Read more »