Month: February 2014


Wilkie in Winter: The Woman in White Epoch 3

Wilkie in Winter: The Woman in White Epoch 3

Wahoo, Bookworms! I feel so accomplished, I finished The Woman in White! A classic and a chunkster. Bam. I must extend my gratitude to The Estella Society, because without their read-a-long, I don’t think I would have tackled it. Since I’m talking about the final third of the book, consider this your SPOILER ALERT. Let’s take… Read more »


The River of No Return GIVEAWAY

The River of No Return GIVEAWAY

Howdy Bookworms! Remember last spring when I was super stoked about a time travel romance called The River of No Return by Bee Ridgway? You don’t remember? Well, click HERE. I’ll wait. You’re back? Good. You’ll now understand my excitement when I received an email last week from the publisher tipping me off to the… Read more »




That Awkward Moment: Book Club Fail

That Awkward Moment: Book Club Fail

Happy Friday, Bookworms! Tonight I’m meeting with my neighborhood book club, which I’ve not-so-cleverly dubbed “My Neighbors are Better than Your Neighbors.” I’m super lucky to have a great group of gals to hang out and talk books with. This month, one of our members (who also happens to be my Girl Scout cookie hookup)… Read more »



The Office of Mercy by Ariel Djanikian

The Office of Mercy by Ariel Djanikian

Howdy Bookworms, You know how much I love a good dystopian novels, right? ESPECIALLY when they can stand on their own and not foist a trilogy upon me. (This ended well, PLEASE, don’t trilogy me!) A while back I received an email from Penguin (my favorite publisher, for obvious reasons) offering me a copy of The Office… Read more »


