Category: Time Travel





The River of No Return GIVEAWAY

The River of No Return GIVEAWAY

Howdy Bookworms! Remember last spring when I was super stoked about a time travel romance called The River of No Return by Bee Ridgway? You don’t remember? Well, click HERE. I’ll wait. You’re back? Good. You’ll now understand my excitement when I received an email last week from the publisher tipping me off to the… Read more »




Top Ten Tuesday TRAVELS!

Top Ten Tuesday TRAVELS!

G’Day Bookworms! It’s time for another edition of Top Ten Tuesday with The Broke and the Bookish! Today’s topic features books with a travel element. This should be fun. Shall we? 1.Where’d You Go Bernadette? by Maria Semple. This book rocked for a number of reasons. Quippy sarcasm, ridiculous situations, clever forays into the seedy… Read more »


Word To Your Mother: Top Ten Tuesday Collaborates and Listens

Word To Your Mother: Top Ten Tuesday Collaborates and Listens

Salutations, Bookworms! I know you stayed up all night trying to guess the topic for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday with The Broke and The Bookish, didn’t you?! This week we’ve been asked to list off the top ten words or phrases that make us want to pick up a book. I’m a refined consumer… Read more »


Well, That's Not What I Was Expecting (A Top Ten Tuesday Adventure.)

Well, That's Not What I Was Expecting (A Top Ten Tuesday Adventure.)

Tis Tuesday, my dear Bookworms! Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is brought to you, as usual by The Broke and The Bookish. They’ve asked the book bloggers of the internet to list out the books we’ve read that really weren’t what we were expecting. Something you thought you’d love but didn’t? Something you thought would… Read more »
