Month: May 2015



Getting to Know You: Armchair BEA Intro

Getting to Know You: Armchair BEA Intro

Greetings Bookworms! It’s time for my favorite virtual book nerd gathering that coincides with an actual convention since ever. Pull up your armchairs folks, it’s time for Armchair BEA. Book Expo America is going on in NYC and those of us stuck at home are going to party like it’s 1999. Crank up the Ricky Martin… Read more »






And We’re Back!

And We’re Back!

Howdy Bookworms! Soooo, I just got back from vacation… Again. I KNOW we were just at Disney World in March, but shortly after we got back my parents called. They had a two bedroom condo booked in Orlando for May and offered to let us stay with them. I mean, how can you turn down free… Read more »


Ten Bookish Questions

Ten Bookish Questions

Hi Ho, Bookworms! It seems I’m perpetually out of blogging juice these days. I hope it’s a temporary condition. I’ve got all these ideas, just no time to get them out of my brain. In any case, I saw this bookish survey on Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity a few weeks back and… Read more »

