Celestial Reads: Top Ten Tuesday

May 19, 2015 Top Ten Tuesday 15

G’Day Bookworms!

It’s Tuesday and it’s (sadly) been a while since I  made you a glorious list o’ books. This week the folks of The Broke and the Bookish have left the blogosphere to our own devices and declared this week a free for all topic-wise. My head has been in the clouds lately, so a list of books with celestial titles seemed fitting.

celestial Reads

1. The Silver Star by Jeanette Walls (review)- Jeanette Walls writes a novel. Emus happen. It is glorious. And it has “star” in the title.

2. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry- This book! It’s one that I read as a kid and it never let me go. It’s about two little girls living in Denmark during WWII, one Jewish, one not. Families helping families, courage in the face of terror. It’s all the good things, I’m telling you.

3. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (review)- I cried all the tears reading this book and I’m not afraid to admit it. A couple of months ago I thought I’d watch the movie. During my sob-fest, my husband looked at me and said, “You know these aren’t real people, right?!” Sigh. Some people just don’t get it.

4. The Dog Stars by Peter Heller- I’m still in the middle of this book so I hesitated to include it, but whatever. Post apocalyptic novels are my jam, and “stars”, you know?

5. Stardust by Neil Gaiman- Hot diggity dog, Neil Gaiman narrating his own audio books makes me outrageously happy. So do his stories. Utterly charming fairy tales for grown ups- that’s the stuff Stardust is made of.


6. The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen (review)- Is SAA not the best? I adore her and her weird brand of magical charm. The moon is most mysterious. I’m still not entirely convinced it’s not made of cheese. (Actually, I am, but dude. The moon would be so much cooler if it were made of cheese.)

7. New Moon by Stephanie Meyer- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. My inner 13 year old adored the Twilight books (whenever my inner grown up would shut up long enough.) I acknowledge that the books have many, many problems. Actually, this was my least favorite of the books because I was firmly in the stalker vampire camp (I KNOW. I AM AWFUL.) Still.

8. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (review Cinder, Scarlet, Cress)- Technically it’s the name of a series, not a single book, but whatever. These fractured fairy tales are the most fun. Which reminds me. I’m behind. I haven’t tackled Fairest yet. I need to get on that.

9. Can’t Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg- Heaven is celestial, no? This is probably my favorite Fannie Flagg novel, I absolutely adore it. It’s a warm fuzzies book; read it when you’re feeling down.

10. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway- If I’m being honest (and I always am) I must admit I didn’t care for this book. I read it one summer in high school and remember very little beyond the fact that there was a massive amount of wine being drunk and that everyone was bored and cranky. Also bull fights. I’ve never gotten along well with Hemingway. I just felt like the sun needed to be represented on the list.


And there we have it. Ten books with some sort of celestial aspect to their titles. I rather like this game. I’ve no doubt there are zillions more, what are some of your favorite books with sun, moon, and stars connections, Bookworms?

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15 Responses to “Celestial Reads: Top Ten Tuesday”

  1. Shannon @ River City Reading

    Hey, look at you – I think I’d have trouble pooling all of these together! I still just LOVE Number the Stars so much. Between that and The Giver, Lois Lowry was my literary hero as a kid.

  2. Jenny @ Reading the End

    My memories of The Sun Also Rises tally very closely with yours, I believe! The guy had a penis injury and it made him very cross altogether. I will say that it had an excellent final line, but that was not enough to persuade me to reread it seeking for un-spotted merits.

  3. Christy

    I have The Silver Star out from the library now. Cannot pass up a Jeannette Walls book. Sarah Addison Allen is the best. The Girl Who Chased the Moon is the first book I read by her, while on a drive up from Georgia one early summer.

  4. Amy @ Read a Latte

    Number the Stars! I loved that in middle (elementary? maybe) school! Binary Star by Sarah Gerard and The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson are great star books too!

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