Category: Personal




Self Indulgent 10th Anniversary Post

Self Indulgent 10th Anniversary Post

It is a truth universally acknowledged that if one does not loudly proclaim one’s anniversary on the internet, the anniversary is not valid. Hey, Jim! We’ve been married a WHOLE DECADE. High five! (Remember that time I wrote you anniversary limericks? This post is almost as cool.) It is, apparently, a THING, in some corners… Read more »




Dearest Sammers, Today marks your second trip ’round the sun. It’s super cliche to talk about how quickly children grow, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if wormholes were involved or something. This year went at friggin warp speed. And what a year it’s been! You have learned and grown SO MUCH. I’ll just… Read more »



Happy Birthday, Baby!

Happy Birthday, Baby!

My Darling Bookworms, You’ll have to forgive me, I’m about to leak a bunch of feelings onto the internet. I scheduled this post to go live at 8:09 am central time on August 22, 2018 because at that very moment Sammy will have spent exactly 365 days breathing the air of planet Earth. (Sorry about… Read more »


On The Night You Were Born

On The Night You Were Born

::Waves Sheepishly:: Hi. Hi there. I have… Not been writing. But here I am. Writing. Because MY BABY IS TURNING ONE TOMORROW. A whole year. It occurred to me that I never wrote out his birth story. I kind of want to document it before it goes all sepia toned, you know? On the Night… Read more »


Hello Again!

Hello Again!

Long Time No Talk, Bookworms! I suppose I should explain myself. So, back in June when I last posted, I was getting a bit frantic about getting everything wrapped up at work and preparing everything at home for the Tiny Bookworm’s arrival. I continued reading, but I lacked the time and mental head space to… Read more »


A Life Update

A Life Update

Greetings Bookworms! I know, I know. I wrote a total of ONE blog post the entire month of February. I’m not proud, but I’ve had a lot on my mind. See exhibit A: That’s right, y’all. I’m currently gestating a tiny human. But I feel like it would be disingenuous to be all “YAY I… Read more »
