Tag: Bite Size Reviews



Bite Size Reviews September 2016

Bite Size Reviews September 2016

Howdy Bookworms! I have a massive backlog of books to tell y’all about so I’m going to put some little bite size reviews together for you today. Maybe someday I’ll catch up. Stranger things have happened. (Also, STRANGER THINGS did happen. Did you watch it yet?! Did you love it?!) Here we gooooooo! ONE: Girl… Read more »


Bite Size Reviews: August 2016

Bite Size Reviews: August 2016

Greetings Bookworms! I am ridiculously behind on writing reviews. And writing anything, really. I’m hoping this slump abates soon, it’s kind of bumming me out that I’ve lost my blogging mojo. Until the glorious muse of inspiration strikes, I’m going to keep on trucking and bring you some tasty bite size reviews.  ONE: A Memory of… Read more »



Bite Size Reviews: June 2016

Bite Size Reviews: June 2016

Happy Friday, Bookworms! I knew that posting 5 reviews in a row last week was going to zap my blogging mojo! I’m popping in last minute so I don’t have a completely silent blog week. I’ve actually got some good ideas cooking, so maybe there’s something to taking a break. I’ll run away with you for the… Read more »


Bite Size Reviews April 2016

Bite Size Reviews April 2016

Howdy Bookworms! Today I’m going to do a roundup of the books I’ve recently read that I’ve been a little too lazy to review individually. It’s a thing that happens sometimes, I trust you won’t mind terribly? I’m going to include a graphic of a cookie, so I’m assuming you’ll forgive me. It’s hard to… Read more »


Bite Size Reviews: March 2016

Bite Size Reviews: March 2016

  Happy Monday, Bookworms! I know what you’re thinking. “Katie, the only thing that could possibly make me feel better about today being a Monday is if you would talk about a book. Multiple books, even!” You guys are seriously the sweetest. Because I love you ever so much, I shall oblige your request and… Read more »


