Tag: armchair BEA



Getting to Know You: Armchair BEA Intro

Getting to Know You: Armchair BEA Intro

Greetings Bookworms! It’s time for my favorite virtual book nerd gathering that coincides with an actual convention since ever. Pull up your armchairs folks, it’s time for Armchair BEA. Book Expo America is going on in NYC and those of us stuck at home are going to party like it’s 1999. Crank up the Ricky Martin… Read more »


It’s GIVEAWAY DAY for Armchair BEA!

It’s GIVEAWAY DAY for Armchair BEA!

Howdy Bookworms! Today is my FAVORITE day in the Armchair BEA schedule because it’s the day of FREE STUFF! Wahoo! To join in the celebration, I’m offering a $25 in books from Book Depository to one lucky entrant! Book Depository is pretty sweet because they ship internationally (really, any place that Book Depository serves. Which basically excludes Antarctica,… Read more »



Armchair BEA 2014 Introductions!!!

Armchair BEA 2014 Introductions!!!

Hello my lovely Bookworms, It’s everybody’s favorite time of year! Well, everybody who’s a crazy bibliophile, at least. The fabulous Book Expo America is going on in NYC this week. For those of us who aren’t able to attend the big show, the amazing crew at Armchair BEA puts on a digital event so we… Read more »


I Choose "Business Ethics!"

I Choose "Business Ethics!"

Howdy Bookworms! Today will be my last entry for the DELIGHTFUL Armchair BEA, and I must say I’ve had so much fun participating! All the Armchair BEA-ers who have been hopping around and commenting have been so welcoming and fabulous. I want to give the whole darn internet a hug right now! Today’s topic is… Read more »



From My Armchair to Yours: Armchair BEA 2013

From My Armchair to Yours: Armchair BEA 2013

Aloha, Bookworms! Today I’m taking a little break from Top Ten Tuesday to participate in a little something known as Armchair BEA. Here’s the deal. Book Expo America is this ginormous conference that brings together publishers and librarians and authors and most recently, book bloggers. Unfortunately this conference takes place in NYC, and I try… Read more »
