Character Chatter? More Like Character BATTLE!

May 29, 2015 Character Battle 15

Hello Again Bookworms!

We are still in the throes of Armchair BEA and one of today’s discussion topics is Character Chatter. I love, love, love fictional characters. I love them so much that I set them up on imaginary dates where they have imaginary conversations and are generally ridiculous. Today, though, I’m feeling combative. I’m going to pair up a few fictional characters to do battle. Because why not?

Battle of the Horrible Spoiled Children: Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory vs. Dudley Dursley of Harry Potter. I’m going to give this one to Veruca. It’s a tough call, but since the whole tail incident (reason number 857 Hagrid rules) I think Dudley would be extremely suspicious of anyone discussing golden eggs.

veruca vs dudley

Battle of the One Handed Men: Jaime Lannister from A Game of Thrones vs. Fergus Fraser from Outlander. What a match-up! This one is going to come down to the usefulness of the prosthetic, I’m afraid. What is it with the Lannisters and their gold?! A gold hand is SUPER impractical. A hook, on the other hand (pun intended), is extremely helpful. Plus, Fergus is scrappy as all heck. He’d totally take down the Kingslayer.

hand vs hook

There really is no contest.

Battle of the YA Action Heroines: Tris from Divergent vs. Katniss from The Hunger Games. Tris post Dauntless training was pretty badass, but let’s think what would happen for a minute of each character were in the other’s trilogy. If Katniss were in Divergent, she’d totally have become Dauntless and been badass the whole way through, and not just because her brain resisted fear serum. If Tris had been selected for The Hunger Games, she’d have been slaughtered in the initial melee. That, and Katniss is pretty psychologically effed up. Tris’s conscience would get in the way of her doing any real damage.

See that right there? Katniss takes aim, Tris looks pensive. KO, round 1.

See that right there? Katniss takes aim, Tris looks pensive. KO, round 1.

What are your thoughts, Bookworms? Who would win in these fights?!

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15 Responses to “Character Chatter? More Like Character BATTLE!”

  1. April


    Battle #1:

    Most Def Veruca! That girl is bad egg. albeit, a very lucky bad egg.

    Battle #2:

    First of all, LMAO! What an awesome match up!

    But, like you said, those Lannisters and their Gold. If Only they believed in bedazzling… a few hundred diamonds strategically bedazzled could change the game. Still, the hook wins for sure!

    Battle #3

    I never read Divergent (Should I?) But, Katniss is RIDICULOUSLY badass. I just don’t know anyone who could take her on and live to tell about it.

    • Words For Worms

      Uh, you can skip Divergent. It’s just okay on the whole. And thanks! I had fun with this. I still can’t figure out why Jaime wasn’t given a more useful contraption as a hand, though. Couldn’t they fashion a sword to attach to his stump when it came to fighting? I mean, he’s always complaining about his sword hand. MAKE HIM A SWORD HAND!

  2. Megan M.

    You called it on all of them, although I’ve only seen the Divergent movie, so that’s all I have to go on there. By the time Divergent blew up I was SO OVER trilogies, plus I spoiled myself on how it all ends.

  3. Rachel @ Dashing Good Books

    hahaha great post! Such sass! I haven’t got that far in ASOIAF yet so I’m hoping Jaime’s hand-losing thing isn’t too much of a spoiler 😛 I love the idea of having Dudley and Veruca battle it out! Can we make the parents fight too? Or maybe Dudley could have an eating contest with Bruce Bogtrotter? Miss Trunchbull could hook up with Filch..? (I should stop)

    Anyway, thanks for making me chuckle 😉

    • Words For Worms

      Gah and here I thought I was safe talking about the hand because we’d at least reached that point in the TV show. It’s really not much of a spoiler, all in all.

      • Rachel @ Dashing Good Books

        Haha I’m so so behind! It’s killing me.. I try to steer clear of any GoT-related chats but somehow they just keep finding me 😉 I just need to get a move on and get up to date with the series! 😛

  4. Andi

    LOL, your brilliance knows no bounds, love! Battle of the horrible spoiled children is the BEST!

  5. Michelle

    Great post! I love your match-ups. I’m with you on all of them. That battle between Veruca and Dudley though – that would be one UGLY battle. Just throw Katniss in there so she could straighten them out quickly!

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