Greetings Bookworms! Nothing like waiting until the last possible moment in the month to post a batch of mini reviews, am I right? I have excuses. Oh yeah, and Gilmore Girls happened. As far as excuses go, this month is among the best. (I’m sparing you my political outrage here, but if you’re interested in… Read more »
Month: November 2016
Literary Tourism: Rock City
Howdy Bookworms! Guess what? I went on a vacation! Hubs and I decided that we were in dire need of a getaway for any number of reasons, and so we decided to take a road trip to Florida. I realize that after our last road trip to Florida I said I would never ever ever… Read more »
Faithful by Alice Hoffman
Good Day, Bookworms! I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a list of authors whose new work I get awfully excited about. I’ve read a good number of Alice Hoffman’s books over the years and they rarely disappoint. That’s why when I saw she had a new offering, I jumped on Netgalley and made… Read more »
The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
Howdy Bookworms! Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard the buzz surrounding The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead. I’d like to say it’s because the world found my anecdote about meeting and making a fool of myself in from of Colson Whitehead at BEA was the catalyst, but it’s all Oprah. That’s… Read more »
YA State of Mind
Greetings Bookworms! I don’t typically read a ton of YA literature, but I’ve been on something of a kick lately. When things in life don’t go the way I’d like them to, sometimes I like to remind myself that at least I’m not in high school anymore. So, without further ado, let’s talk about some… Read more »