Good Day My Bookworms,
I must admit, it feels like a Tuesday. The whole holiday weekend thing always throws me for a loop. At least it means that the weekend will come faster. That’s always a bonus, no? If you joined me yesterday, you’ll know that this week I’m participating in Armchair BEA (an online blogger convention, and all that jazz. Click HERE if you missed it.) First things first. I would like to show you my ARMCHAIR. I am very literal, and I actually have an armchair in a designated reading nook in my basement.
Today’s ABEA topic is all about blogger development. I don’t know if I’ve managed to fool any of you in the past nine months, but I have NO IDEA what I’m doing. I’m flying on a wing and a prayer here, hoping to amuse people and talk about books. That’s not to say I don’t have goals. I totally have goals. The loftiest among them is to assemble an unholy army of penguins and Katies to take over the universe! Muahahahahahaha!
Unfortunately, most Katies are uninterested in joining forces, and most penguins are uninterested in anything but fish, so it’s a work in progress. Blog wise, I would like to eventually get brave and go self hosted (but I am a chicken and technologically stunted so I have ALL THE FEARS!) Really, what I would like is to generate a little bit of income from this venture. I’m not looking for lottery style riches, but I’d like to be able to, say, fund a trip to the real BEA at some point using the revenues from this here bloggity blog. A girl can dream, right? The thing is that, lovely platform though it is, does not allow the sale of advertising on their free blogs (I can’t blame them, I mean, HELLO they’re a free platform.) I’m stuck in a bit of a catch 22, seeing as how self hosting costs money, but I can’t really make money until I self host. Psha. Stupid WORLD.
Since I already sound like the greediest Gus, I may as well mention that I started up a Zazzle store recently. Zazzle is cool because you can plaster whatever the heck you want on t-shirts and onesies and tote bags without having to order 8 zillion. My store has all of 5 items for sale. (I’m SUCH an entrepreneur…)Every one of them is emblazoned with my mascot, Le Kattoo (the adorable penguin holding a book has a name, you guys.) If you buy stuff from my Zazzle store, I’ll get a teeny tiny royalty fee. Seriously tiny, like, I might be able to buy a gumball with the proceeds. BUT. The stuff is really fun. I mostly started the store because I wanted to get my nephew a “future bookworm” onesie and I couldn’t find one I liked that was available to order. Thus, I made my own. Swag. I’ve got it. Click HERE for a really weird shopping experience!
I wish I had cool things to tell you on how I’ve developed my writing as a blogger, but my style can be summed up thusly: Bad puns. Run-ons and fragments abound. I show little regard for rules relating to the proper usage of parenthesis or their punctuation. I like to discuss books on my blog the way I would in person. If that includes me referring to characters as “dudes” and “douchebags” so be it. I am authentic. Like a really good burrito.
That’s not to say I’ve LEARNED nothing. When I first started blogging, I was so excited to tell everyone about what I’d read that I did a lot of mini reviews and smashed oodles of books into single posts. Nowadays, I like to talk about one book at a time, unless I’m compiling a list of some sort. I glossed over a lot of really excellent and meaty discussions trying to jam everything into a few paragraphs, which sucks, because some of those reviews could have been a lot better. C’est la vie. I’m like a Polaroid picture, just now beginning to come into focus. (This analogy depresses me because it’s terrible, but also because Polaroids are no longer a thing. I am OLD.)
I suppose it’s time to open up the floor to my dearest Bookworms and fellow Armchair BEA warriors. Have you any advice for my blog development? Is there a direction you’d like to see Words for Worms take? More of a particular genre, fewer lists, less discussion of my FILTHY GREED? I’m open to suggestion (just, you know. Be nice. Ugly crier, you know how it is.)
Sarah Says Read
It’s so surprising and awesome that you’ve only been doing this for 9 months! It’s that lovely weird, bizarre, ramble-y personality you seem to have, I’m sure. And the puns! I love puns.
Also, totally love that you started a Zazzle store, that’s just too great. And I’m gonna try to make the leap to hopefully next week so I’ll be sure to tell you how horrifying and scary it is.
Words for Worms
Awww Sarah, you’re making me blush. Keep me posted on your .org adventure! I must know all the things!
Have fun! “How do book blogs make money” is a common search that leads people to my blog (which is funny because I have no idea how ethical book bloggers make money!). Good luck taking your blog to the next level. I really like what you’re doing here already, but I can understand wanting to shake things up a little.
Words for Worms
I talk a big game, but we’ll see what happens. I don’t know how I feel about getting paid for reviews because it seems like it could be unethical, but maybe if it were for a third party publication it would be more freelance? Not a clue, but I’m glad you’re here and it’s nice to know I’m not alone in being clueless as to how book bloggers make money LOL. My search terms often involve Little Red Riding Hood porn… So… I think you’re winning :).
I just checked and I even had one come in today (“blog make money review”)! Your search terms are very funny–it reminds me of one of the top searches to my blog: “sloth sex.” To be fair, though, I did reference sloth mating in a post, but I didn’t think that would make me the expert!
Words for Worms
Haaaaaaaaa! That’s awesome.
Very cute Katie. Aww… look at you all grown up in the bloggy world. You’re a SUPERSTAR now! =)
Words for Worms
I would be nowhere without my Blogging Yoda!
Andi (@estellasrevenge)
I’m relatively new to your blog, so I don’t have any particular advice, except the advice I give to everyone — ENJOY IT!!! It’s super fun as you already know. ๐
Words for Worms
Best advice ever :). Thanks Andi!
LOL! Great post. I’ve been blogging for six years and I said the same thing on my post… I have no idea how to develop a blog! ๐ And I too write on mine just like I’m talking, so we have that going on also! Funny.
Words for Worms
Hahahaha, yes! I read that on your post and I was like, “ah, a kindred spirit!” Here’s to wandering in the dark! ๐
One would never know you are such a novice blogger! Not having met you, I do get the feeling this blog is truly “you”. There is a personality trying to break out and it has quite effectively!! I wouldn’t change a thing. In other words, don’t fix something that aint broke.
P.S. I LOVE a really good burrito!
Words for Worms
LOL thanks Lori! Yes, I suppose if you could convert me into binary code and project me digitally, this blog is pretty much what would come out the other side. It’s nice to hear that you’re enjoying my ridiculousness, and that you share my penchant for Mexican cuisine. ๐
I’m not sure, but i think if you self publish through WordPress you can have adds. It only costs about $20 a year. Not too much of a cash outlay for the pride of having your own domain name.
Words for Worms
I have my own domain name, but I think that’s all I get for my $15 investment… The domain name LOL.
Fiction-Books (@Fiction_Books)
Hi Katie,
We also had a long weekend break, here in the UK and it has thrown me out with regard to exactly which day of the week it is!
I am loving the reading armchair. I have my own small office space, however I seem to have filled it with so many bookshelves, that finding a space for a comfy chair might be something of a challenge!
Making money from a blog, seems to be the topic with the ever elusive answer. Affiliate links for any of the major booksellers is a complete waste of time, as every other blogger has the same idea. Charging for a review just doesn’t seem like a viable option either, as I doubt whether authors would pay to read my ramblings and I would always be wondering if the finished article was professional enough!
Like yourself, I tend to stick to one review at a time and make it as worthwhile a post as I possibly can. Since I started blogging, the number of direct review requests from authors and publishers has grown exponentially, so I now always read the book strictly in the order they were received. If authors are unhappy with the wait, then they have the option not to come back again!
It is good to have found you, thanks for following on Twitter, I have already clicked the follow, back.
Words for Worms
Well hello, Yvonne! Nice to “meet” you! Yes, it does seem that the money from blogging thing is the impossible question. If I ever figure it out, I’ll be sure to let you know though! ๐ I get direct review requests from time to time, which I find very flattering, although sometimes it’s a wee bit spammy. Comes with the territory I suppose. Yay for new Tweeps!
Books, Tea & Me
You are seriously so much fun to read. Seriously. Every time I go on your blog I smile. So thank you for that!
I was just saying to Sarah Says Read that I’m also thinking of switching from .com to .org to generate some (hopeful) income from the blog. It’d be nice to have more personalized giveaways but I can’t do that without some money coming in first. But like you said, hosting your own site costs money, and if I don’t have money to host giveaways, however am I to get enough money to host my own site? Tis a vicious cycle ๐
Words for Worms
Oh thank you dear! I love to hear that I’m not just irritating… Sarah is a trailblazer! I say we see how things go for her and then force her to give us tutorials ๐
Books, Tea & Me
Haha, yes, I fully support that! Hopefully we can all sort out our blogs in due time ๐
I love the new look, and Le Kattoo is adorable. ๐
Words for Worms
Thanks! ๐ My BFF designed the penguin holding a daisy several years ago when I thought I wanted a tattoo… Hence the nickname. Luckily, with a little tweaking Le Kattoo has found new life and I am still inkless (I have commitment issues, apparently.)
The Underground Writer
“Words are cheap” – but your blog is one of my favorites!!!
Words for Worms
Awww thanks dear!
Dude, you’re a natural.
I want a me-sized onsie.
Words for Worms
Hahahaha that makes me think of body suits. You remember the mid 90s when “body suits” were all the rage, but they were really just onesies for grown ups?
Pretty much, yeah. made it hell to go pee in any hurry.
Words for Worms
Didn’t yours have crotch snaps? Mine was just like a baby’s onesie, it just happened to be a bigger size. Ah. Middle school.
I think I blocked all this out….
Dude, you remember stirrups??? those were the JAM!
Words for Worms
Yesssssss! I had them in all sorts of hideous prints! Slouch socks over the top? The height of sophistication.
We were awwwwe-some.
I remember those days well. I had quite a few, to be honest. My favorite was a red one that I wore with a vest. The vest was very important, ha.
Words for Worms
Vests! Oh man. That’s awesome.
Monika (@lovelybookshelf)
I love the way you talk about the books you read. Even when it’s a book I know I would not be interested in reading, I love reading your posts because of your authentic, unique voice! ๐
Words for Worms
Oh my word, this is possibly the sweetest thing I’ve heard all day! Thanks Monika!
kim cuasay
Haha! SWAG! niceee and good job!
that chair really looks so cozy XD
I tried not to overwhelm myself sometimes about books and blog post etc. but usually great stuff comes on a whim so yeah feel free to just share away! ^_^
Words for Worms
Thanks Kim! It’s nice to “meet” you ๐
Tamara @ Shelf Addiction
โdudesโ and โdouchebagsโ?! – I love it! Awesome post!
Words for Worms
Tis my vernacular, sadly…
Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)
Making money blogging can be tricky, since like you said you have to self-host (invest) before you can start to do that. I’ve only had ads on my site for about a year, but if you have any questions feel free to e-mail and I can share what I know ๐
Words for Worms
That’s awesome, thanks for the offer. I’m sure I’ll take you up on it when I get ready to take the leap! (I just had a friend get hacked today, so I’m even more gun shy than ever!)
I am so confused with the days of the week as well but like you say at least the weekend will be here a day sooner! I love the onesie you made for your nephew it is so cute.
Words for Worms
Thanks! He’s just over a week old but darn it, he will be one fashionable baby! ๐
Indeed he will!
I, too, want to do some ad revenue, but self-hosting is a pain. WordPress makes it so easy because no worries about backing up, etc. That’s the trade-off, I guess. Also, I don’t think I get enough traffic to generate much, if any, revenue. But still. One day I might!
And, yeah, as for developing, I just kind of go with it. I’ve cut back a lot because I was making myself crazy. I enjoy blogging, but reading’s the thing, so I’m constantly behind on reviews, which I have just embraced as my life. Makes it much less stressful.
Megan M.
I know nothing about blogging, but I like that at the end of your review posts you ask a question, so even if I haven’t read the book I can usually still comment and feel like I’m part of a book club discussion. Awesome!
Words for Worms
Ha, thanks! Discussions should be an all inclusive thing. Remember that time I got all riled up about coleslaw? Ahhh. Good times.
Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader
You blog like a vet my girl. If you didn’t say so people would never know how wet you are behind the ears ๐ I’m a newbie too…1 year coming up soonish.
I freaking love your style. Don’t change a thing.
Words for Worms
<3 You are so good for my ego! I seriously want to see a picture of you and the giant musky in celebration of your blogoversary. Dooooo it!!!!!