I’m Katie. I loved reading as a child so much that my extended family started buying me books for Christmas instead of toys. For the record, I ALSO liked toys. I’m not bitter or anything, really, I promise. When I was in college I started intentionally taking electives that would require reading novels as part of the curriculum, and as a result ended up with a minor in Women’s Studies and a minor in History. I majored in Communications, so that rumor that Com majors can’t read is patently false!

I can and have read through wedding receptions, trade shows, and awkward social gatherings. I excel at finding hiding places to do my clandestine reading. Words for Worms (as in bookworms, in case you don’t follow my attempts at cleverness) began as a site to discuss books and has since evolved somewhat to include my life in general. I had a baby in 2017 and have become THAT MOM who can’t go 10 minutes without flashing a photo of her kid.
The sharing of this blog is encouraged, as long as proper credit is given to the author and a link to the source is provided. Plagiarism is a dick move, so if you want to use a portion of this work for any reason, please just ask. I’m pretty nice, I’ll probably say yes.
If you are a student, copying my blog is not a good idea. Your English teacher will not be amused by the frequency with which I refer to classic literary characters as douche bags. Copy/paste isn’t your friend here. Just read the book, kid. Unless it’s Moby Dick. Then read the Cliffs Notes.
If you’d like to contact me via email, please write to wordsforworms (at) gmail (dot) com
Please note that hate mail makes me cry, and I’m an ugly crier. You don’t want that on your conscience!