Tag: Flowers



Vacation: All I Ever Wanted

Vacation: All I Ever Wanted

Hola Bookworms! I’m sorry I was so scarce last week. Actually, I’m not. I was on vacation at Disney World. Because that’s how I roll. (No, I did not go to the Harry Potter parks. Another time, I assure you!) I didn’t warn y’all in advance because I saw once of 20/20 that you should… Read more »


The Violets of March by Sarah Jio

The Violets of March by Sarah Jio

Happy Thursday, Bookworms! Sometimes after having read something outside of my comfort zone, I like to follow it up with a comforting read. My happy place is women’s fiction. I hesitate to call it “chick lit,” because I tend to think of chick lit as sassy, but my comfort reads are decidedly sweet. I was… Read more »






Word To Your Mother: Top Ten Tuesday Collaborates and Listens

Word To Your Mother: Top Ten Tuesday Collaborates and Listens

Salutations, Bookworms! I know you stayed up all night trying to guess the topic for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday with The Broke and The Bookish, didn’t you?! This week we’ve been asked to list off the top ten words or phrases that make us want to pick up a book. I’m a refined consumer… Read more »

