Category: Audio Books


2021, Week the Twenty Sixth: I Read a Bunch of Romance Novels About Blue Aliens and I’m Not Mad About It

2021, Week the Twenty Sixth: I Read a Bunch of Romance Novels About Blue Aliens and I’m Not Mad About It

Hey Bookworms, I have a bookternet friend, Sarah. She’s never steered me wrong when it comes to romances, it’s true, but when she started talking about a series called Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon I wasn’t sure that I wanted to go there. I don’t want to yuck anyone else’s yum, but I typically… Read more »



2021, Week the Nineteenth: It’s not Pride and Prejudice… But it’s Kind of Pride and Prejudice.

2021, Week the Nineteenth: It’s not Pride and Prejudice… But it’s Kind of Pride and Prejudice.

Hello Hello, Bookworms! Another week has gone by and we’re getting more and more re-integrated into life as it once was. Now that our extended family circles are fully vaccinated (minus the kids, of course, but they’ll all be vaccinated as soon as it’s approved) we’ve been making plans for visits and birthdays and summer… Read more »



2021, Week the Fourteenth: I Feel Fine Enough, I Guess. Considering Everything’s a Mess.

2021, Week the Fourteenth: I Feel Fine Enough, I Guess. Considering Everything’s a Mess.

Hidey Ho, Bookworms!I was trying to think of a subtitle for this week’s blog and all I could come up with were 20 year old Barenaked Ladies lyrics. Hi, I’m An Old. Anyway. I’m very very slowly meandering through a non-fiction book right now. It’s really good and interesting but I just cannot read non… Read more »




