Category: Fantasy

Thoughts on Revisiting Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Part 2

Thoughts on Revisiting Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Part 2

Hidey Ho, Bookworms! I simply cannot get enough of The Estella Society sponsored Potter Binge. Honestly, I’ve had so many great conversations with real life friends and coworkers as well as with the internet that I just want to bring y’all over for a nice warm butterbeer and some treacle tart. Except, I’ve never had… Read more »



Thoughts on Revisiting Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix: Part 1

Thoughts on Revisiting Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix: Part 1

Hello Bookworms! I’m still Pottering along with the Estella Society’s Potter Binge and thank goodness for that. Even when things get rough for Harry, these books are basically a cheering charm for my soul. That said, Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix is when we enter Harry’s massive teen angst phase and man alive,… Read more »








The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fford

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fford

Greetings Bookworms! Have you ever wanted to jump right into a book? Like dive into the pages and chill with your favorite characters? My latest read offered just that opportunity! I’ve had people recommending The Eyre Affair to me for years and only just got around to it. I’m kicking myself for this procrastination now… Read more »
