Greetings Bookworms!
Can you believe it’s been almost 3 years that I’ve been writing this blog? Time sure flies when you’re utterly ridiculous. But it’s not MY anniversary today. The Broke and the Bookish are celebrating 5 years of Top Ten Tuesday. We’ve been invited to share ten of our favorite topics from the last few years so I’m going to create a roundup of my favorite posts! Ah, memories. Let’s take a look, shall we?

1. The Shelf of Shame: Technically the topic was to list books we just HAD to buy that are languishing on our shelves unread. This post is extra special to me because it was Freshly Pressed (back when I was hosted on and it made me feel legit. Plus, I like the post. I’ve still not read a single one of the books on that list.
2. A Little More Love: Top Ten Underrated Books: A post in which I discuss my love of some books that don’t tend to make a lot of Top Ten lists. Unless I’m making the lists, of course.
3. I Want to Go to There: This was supposed to be a list of locations we’d like to visit thanks to books we’ve read. As per usual, I cheated, picked a lot of places that don’t actually exist, and went a little crazy with the photoshop.

4. Book Blogs I Adore: It was a freebie day, so I listed some of my favorite book blogs. Are you reading these blogs? You should be.
5. Book Blogging Confessions: A post in which I unburden my soul and dish hardcore.
6. Gateway Drugs… I Mean Books: Books that got me hooked on different genres are discussed.
7. Hist-ART-ical Fiction: We were asked to list 10 books in a particular genre, and since I’d read quite a bit of historical fiction featuring works of art, I made up my own genre. Rebel, rebel.

8. Tearjerkers: A post in which I discuss ten of the zillions of books that have made me cry. I’m a crier as a rule, so I had a lot to choose from.
9. Literary Halloween Costumes: The topic was supposed to be spooky covers or some such thing, but I like costumes and Halloween is the best. I break the rules an awful lot, don’t I?
10. Reading Rainbow: This wasn’t actually a Top Ten Tuesday topic, I just really liked the post. I read a book with a title representing every color of the rainbow. Way too much fun.
Happy Anniversary, Top Ten Tuesday! Looking forward to more lists in the future. Speaking of lists, Bookworms, are there any topics you’d like to see listed out? I am open to all the crazy.
*If you make a purchase through a link on this site, I will receive a small commission.*
Anne @ Lovely Literature
Ha, I love your picture with Jamie! 😀 Also, Hist-art-ical fiction sounds like a great genre. I can think of a couple books that could fit there (Swan Thieves, A Mad Wicked Folly)!
Happy almost-third birthday! My blog turned three earlier this month. Where does the time go?
These are great posts. I still need to check out a couple of the books from #2.
Congratulations! And thank you for three years of the best damn book blog EVER!
Darlene @ Lost in Literature
I know I’ve mentioned this before but my favorite Top Ten post from you is the one where you pair the books with the beverages. And I can never remember the title when I want to go find it.
What was it again?
Words For Worms
I just went hunting for it- I think it may have been eaten alive when I switched from to self hosted. I’ve noticed a couple of those. I should do some re-winds and hunt them down.
Darlene @ Lost in Literature
Oh! I would be so bummed if it was lost forever!
kristin @ my little heart melodies
Oh so cute! You make the best lists. I skipped this TTT because I need to catch up on some book review posts. Have a great day!
Megan M.
So many good posts! That’s why your book blog is the best, Katie. Hmm… maybe a Top Ten Twists for books that have twist endings? Or most unique narrative voice? Or best TV series/movie adaptations of books? I may be saying things you’ve already done.
Charnell @ Reviews from a Bookworm
I love this weeks topic, I’m getting to see so many topics that I have missed. You chose some brilliant topics 🙂 The Shelf of Shame is a brilliant name for that topic, mine was more like a whole bookcase of shame because I own hundreds of books I have yet to read. Here’s my TTT if you want to check it out 🙂
Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense
I listed my Underrated Books post as well for this week’s topic. I love all books, but I have a special place in my heart for those books that don’t get the kind of love they deserve.
P.S. Your enthusiastic photoshop endeavor is endearing.
Lauren @ Always Me
I’m going to have to do the book blogs I adore. 🙂
Check out my TTT and Unpopular Opinions Tag.
Jenny @ Reading the End
Happy bloggy birthday! Many many happy returns of the day!