Category: Top Ten Tuesday


Top Ten Tuesday Anniversary!

Top Ten Tuesday Anniversary!

Greetings Bookworms! Can you believe it’s been almost 3 years that I’ve been writing this blog? Time sure flies when you’re utterly ridiculous. But it’s not MY anniversary today. The Broke and the Bookish are celebrating 5 years of Top Ten Tuesday. We’ve been invited to share ten of our favorite topics from the last… Read more »



Go Ask Alice… All of Them.

Go Ask Alice… All of Them.

Happy Tuesday Bookworms! I can’t help but notice random things, and I’ve noticed that I’ve met very few people in real life who are named Alice even though I seem to run into them in literature ALL THE TIME. When I saw that this week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish,… Read more »


Potent Quotables

Potent Quotables

Happy Tuesday Bookworms! I know there are a lot of people out there who are big into highlighting their books and quoting amazingness all over the place. It’s awesome, but frankly, I’m too lazy to do it most of the time. However. This week the folks at The Broke and the Bookish challenged the book… Read more »


Books for Kids of All Ages

Books for Kids of All Ages

Howdy Bookworms! It’s another glorious Tuesday and the folks from The Broke and the Bookish have asked the blogosphere to list some of their favorite childhood books. The problem with making a list of books that are childhood favorites is that I feel like I missed a ton of awesome books when I was a… Read more »




Bookworm Problems: Top Ten Tuesday

Bookworm Problems: Top Ten Tuesday

Darling Bookworms, It’s Tuesday again, and you know we gotta celebrate THAT, right? What better way to get our Tuesday on than creating a list with The Broke and the Bookish? I’m excited about this week’s prompt, “top ten book related problems.” Bust out the hashtags, y’all, it’s time to talk about #BookwormProblems. 1. Most of… Read more »

