Howdy Bookworms! So the other day I was skulking around the blogosphere as I am wont to do. I came across a list on Book Riot (HERE is the post by Jeff O’Neal) of 100 books that would make you “well read.” He had a set of criteria including cultural significance, familiarity with the classics of western… Read more »
Category: Dystopian
Killing Me Softly: The Kill Order by James Dashner
Hey Bookworms, How’s it going? Been hit by any devastating solar flares lately? No? Well. That’s good. Because you know what happens when solar flares hit? Nothing good, that’s for sure. Remember back to when I reviewed The Maze Runner by James Dashner and thought it was awesome? And then I read The Scorch Trials… Read more »
No One Mourns The WICKED: The Death Cure by James Dashner
Good Day Bookworms! I would like to tell you a story today. It’s a story about LOST. Do you remember that show? Sawyer and Jack and Kate and all these people stranded on a crazy island? The creators kept SAYING they’d tie it all together at the end, but they pretty much just introduced a… Read more »
We Might As Well Be Walking on The Sun: The Scorch Trials by James Dashner
Hola Bookworms, The other day I reviewed The Maze Runner by James Dashner and I was all WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! So of course, I continued the series and just finished The Scorch Trials. Here’s the deal y’all. It’s kind of impossible not to spoiler the heck out of The Maze Runner and still review The Scorch Trials, so… Read more »
Word To Your Mother: Top Ten Tuesday Collaborates and Listens
Salutations, Bookworms! I know you stayed up all night trying to guess the topic for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday with The Broke and The Bookish, didn’t you?! This week we’ve been asked to list off the top ten words or phrases that make us want to pick up a book. I’m a refined consumer… Read more »
Maybe I'm A-Mazed by James Dashner's The Maze Runner
Happy Monday, Bookworms! How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was busy and I got to spend it in Chicago with an array of my FAVORITE PEOPLE EVER! So. I am exhausted, but so happy. However. You are not here to listen me brag about a fun weekend with people I love. No, no. I shall simply… Read more »
Maybe I’m A-Mazed by James Dashner’s The Maze Runner
Happy Monday, Bookworms! How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was busy and I got to spend it in Chicago with an array of my FAVORITE PEOPLE EVER! So. I am exhausted, but so happy. However. You are not here to listen me brag about a fun weekend with people I love. No, no. I shall simply… Read more »
Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves (Top Ten Tuesday Rewind: Kickass Heroines)
What’s Up, Bookworms? The ladies at The Broke and The Bookish do an amazing job of coming up with Top Ten Tuesday prompts, you know? They’ve kept this going for a couple of years now, which is kind of incredible. This week’s topic is a “rewind,” so it gives me the opportunity to do one… Read more »
Once Upon A Time, Before Words For Worms… (Top Ten Tuesday- The Prequel)
Good Day Bookworms! It’s Tuesday, which can mean quite a number of things… What it means on this blog, however, is that we make LISTS. That’s right, it’s time for Top Ten Tuesday with The Broke and The Bookish! This week’s topic is the top ten books I read before I was a blogger. Here’s… Read more »
I've Got a Crush on You! And you, and you, and you, too!
Hey There Bookworms, Before I get into today’s Top Ten Tuesday list, I want to take a moment to give a shout-out to the Hubs. That’s right, today Jim turns 31. Happy Birthday! The thing that makes this birthday extra super special is that it is ALSO the anniversary of our first date. The TENTH… Read more »