Category: Dystopian



Sad Robot Stories by Mason Johnson

Sad Robot Stories by Mason Johnson

Greetings, Bookworms! You know how I’m always rattling on and on about books and how you should read them? Sometimes I actually take other people’s advice. Really. I listen when you give me suggestions, I promise. Case in point. A few weeks ago I put together an Idiosyncratic Lit List dedicated to robot stories. When… Read more »




The Office of Mercy by Ariel Djanikian

The Office of Mercy by Ariel Djanikian

Howdy Bookworms, You know how much I love a good dystopian novels, right? ESPECIALLY when they can stand on their own and not foist a trilogy upon me. (This ended well, PLEASE, don’t trilogy me!) A while back I received an email from Penguin (my favorite publisher, for obvious reasons) offering me a copy of The Office… Read more »





Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Howdy, Bookworms! Last month I read Divergent and Insurgent by Veronica Roth. I, along with thousands of other greedy readers, waited in anticipation for the final installment of the series, Allegiant to be released. I’ve been toying with the idea of how to put this review together while still avoiding spoilers, so I’m going to do my best. I will… Read more »
