Good Morrow, Bookworms! I’m feeling rather Shakespearean today, and it’s the fault of Emily St. John Mandel’s new (and awesome) novel, Station Eleven. There’s been a lot of buzz floating around about this book, but don’t believe the hype. Well, no. DO believe the hype. But believe it because I said so. (Shhhh, it makes me… Read more »
Category: Dystopian
The Ark by Annabel Smith
It’s The End of the World As We Know It, Bookworms! I feel fine. How about you? It’s no secret that post-apocalyptic fiction is my jam, so I was pretty excited when Annabel Smith contacted me about checking out her new book The Ark. You might recognize Annabel’s name as one of the founders of… Read more »
Sad Robot Stories by Mason Johnson
Greetings, Bookworms! You know how I’m always rattling on and on about books and how you should read them? Sometimes I actually take other people’s advice. Really. I listen when you give me suggestions, I promise. Case in point. A few weeks ago I put together an Idiosyncratic Lit List dedicated to robot stories. When… Read more »
The Ultimate Nerdgasm: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Hey Bookworms! I am just starting to get into listening to audio books in situations other than long solo road trips. I’m not exactly tech savvy, but I’m pleased to report that I have figured out how to access audio books through my library’s digital service for ZERO dollars! (It’s embarrassingly easy, actually. There’s an… Read more »
Just Your Typical Prototype (Prototype by MD Waters)
Greetings, Bookworms! If you’re not singing No Doubt’s “Just a Girl” right now based on the title of this post, please, by all means, put it on as background music. Now that I’m done foisting 90s ear worms on you, we can get down to business. Earlier this year I read and really enjoyed Archetype… Read more »
The Office of Mercy by Ariel Djanikian
Howdy Bookworms, You know how much I love a good dystopian novels, right? ESPECIALLY when they can stand on their own and not foist a trilogy upon me. (This ended well, PLEASE, don’t trilogy me!) A while back I received an email from Penguin (my favorite publisher, for obvious reasons) offering me a copy of The Office… Read more »
Archetype by MD Waters
How Goes it Bookworms? I’m doing just fine myself. You know. Not having been bought, sold, or otherwise manhandled has made my life pretty darn sweet. I’ve always been a pretty big fan of my basic human rights not being violated. I’m not sure what it says about me as a person that I really… Read more »
I Don’t Even Want to Go There! (Top Ten Tuesday)
Greetings Bookworms, It’s Tuesday and the ladies of The Broke and the Bookish have a fabulous topic for us today. They’ve asked us to list out societies we’d never want to live in and/or characters we’d never want to trade places with. Dystopias and post-apocalyptic novels are some of my favorite books, so I’m really… Read more »
Solomon The Peacemaker by Hunter Welles
Hiya Bookworms, A few weeks back I ran across a review for a book that piqued my interest. Monika from A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall posted a review of a very cool sounding dystopian book called Solomon the Peacemaker by Hunter Welles. I love a good dystopia, so I made my way over to NetGalley to… Read more »
Allegiant by Veronica Roth
Howdy, Bookworms! Last month I read Divergent and Insurgent by Veronica Roth. I, along with thousands of other greedy readers, waited in anticipation for the final installment of the series, Allegiant to be released. I’ve been toying with the idea of how to put this review together while still avoiding spoilers, so I’m going to do my best. I will… Read more »