Category: Classics



Top Ten Tuesday: The Language of Romance

Top Ten Tuesday: The Language of Romance

Hola, Gusanos de Libros! I just spoke SPANISH. Badly probably. Whatever. Today is Tuesday which means… TOP TEN TUESDAY with The Broke and The Bookish! Since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, today’s theme is, appropriately, Top Ten Romances (ooh la la!) <— See that?! FRENCH! Without further ado, I shall list for you… Read more »




Please Sir, I Want Some More. (Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens)

Please Sir, I Want Some More. (Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens)

Hello my lovely Bookworms, I just finished reading Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. After having my heart broken watching Les Miserables and recalling what an awesome character Gavroche was, I had a hankering for some street urchin that only Dickens could cure. I know some of you are thinking, “Ewww classics…” True, Dickens isn’t a fan of brevity. Clear… Read more »




Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation

Hi there, Bookworms. I’ve had some thoughts rattling around the old brain cage for a while now, so I’m going to attempt to write them down. Once upon a time I had a blog commenter give me a hard time for flippantly dismissing the work of Hakuri Murakami. I tried and failed to keep myself… Read more »

