Category: Classics


Banned Books Week 2013: Top Ten Tuesday Goes Rogue!

Banned Books Week 2013: Top Ten Tuesday Goes Rogue!

Howdy Bookworms! Today is Tuesday and you know how much I love lists. I normally link up with the fantastic ladies at The Broke and the Bookish and participate in their weekly topics, but this week I’m going rogue. In honor of Banned Books Week, I’ve decided to forgo The Broke and Bookish topic this… Read more »








Everything You Never Knew You Wanted To Know: A Bookish Q&A

Everything You Never Knew You Wanted To Know: A Bookish Q&A

Hey Bookworms! What’s this? Why it’s a survey about books! Why am I doing this? I may or may not be slightly behind in my reading. Plus, I like to change things up from time to time. So, I’d like to thank Rory at Fourth Street Review for inspiring Sarah of Sarah Says Read to… Read more »


Start With a Bang and End With a… Bang? (Top Ten Tuesday)

Start With a Bang and End With a… Bang? (Top Ten Tuesday)

Happy Tuesday Bookworms! As you know, I love making lists for Top Ten Tuesday. This week the ladies at The Broke and the Bookish have asked us to list out ten books with awesome beginnings and/or endings. It was tough to narrow it down, but miracles can happen, people! Beautiful Beginnings 1. Pride and Prejudice… Read more »
