Category: Women’s Studies





Happy Half-Birthday, 2013! Let's Celebrate with… TOP TEN TUESDAY!

Happy Half-Birthday, 2013! Let's Celebrate with… TOP TEN TUESDAY!

G’day Bookworms! It’s TUESDAY, so we’re going to get our list on with the ladies of The Broke and the Bookish! Today they’ve asked us to list the Top Ten Books we’ve read so far in 2013. I’ve read some AWESOME books this year, so it’ll be tough to narrow it down to ten, but… Read more »


Kiss Me, Hardy: Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

Kiss Me, Hardy: Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

Pssst! Hey Bookworms. We’re being super secretive today because we’re talking about SPIES. This blog will self destruct in 15 seconds. Not really. I watched way too much Inspector Gadget as a kid. Anywho. I just finished reading Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein and WOAH. We begin our tale with a young Scottish woman… Read more »


Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves (Top Ten Tuesday Rewind: Kickass Heroines)

Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves (Top Ten Tuesday Rewind: Kickass Heroines)

What’s Up, Bookworms? The ladies at The Broke and The Bookish do an amazing job of coming up with Top Ten Tuesday prompts, you know? They’ve kept this going for a couple of years now, which is kind of incredible. This week’s topic is a “rewind,” so it gives me the opportunity to do one… Read more »



Sad Desk Salad: A Selection For Mandy's Blogger Book Club

Sad Desk Salad: A Selection For Mandy's Blogger Book Club

Hello Bookworms! I’m super excited about today’s blog post. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to participate in Mandy’s Blogger Book Club. Have you met The Well Read Wife? She’s kind of a big deal in the world of book bloggers, and she’s really nice. I mean, she bought 20 copies of Jessica… Read more »


Here Comes the Son: Son by Lois Lowry

Here Comes the Son: Son by Lois Lowry

Hidey Ho, Bookworms! We have reached the final leg of our Giver journey! Who’s excited? I can practically hear you hooting and hollering through the internet. Love the enthusiasm! Son is the fourth and final offering in Lois Lowry’s Giver quartet. Son starts off with a bang by returning us to the scene of the… Read more »
