The Night Garden by Lisa Van Allen

October 23, 2014 Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Flowers, Romance 20

Greetings Bookworms!

The weather is changing and it’s making me miss my flowers already. I still have mums out, but it’s not the saaaaaaaame. Shortly after having to pull out my summer annuals, I was perusing NetGalley (a dangerous pastime under the best of circumstances) and ran across The Night Garden by Lisa Van Allen. I saw comparisons to Sarah Addison Allen and Alice Hoffman and simply could not help myself. *I received a complimentary copy of this book for review consideration. May I be stricken with a wicked case poison ivy if I lie in the following review.*

The Night Garden by Lisa Van AllenIs there anything better than an enchanted garden? Lisa Van Allen draws a gorgeous picture of pastoral upstate New York. Pennywort Farms boasts a lovely garden maze that seems to be imbued with magical properties that give visitors clarity on their problems. A little magical realism never hurt anyone! More likely to hurt someone is the beautiful and enigmatic Olivia Pennywort.

Olivia has SECRETS. Despite welcoming boarders into her farm as a matter of course, Olivia keeps everyone at arm’s distance. Her decision to remain aloof becomes more difficult when her childhood friend and adolescent flame Sam Van Winkle comes back to town. The two are (of course) drawn to each other, but there are some significant barriers (and histamines) standing in the way of their happy ending.

You guys, I loved this book. I couldn’t put it down, and I stayed up far too late to finish it. On a work night. Thank heaven for coffee, AMIGRIGHT? Magical realism can be very hit or miss for me, but the combination of love story, garden-y goodness, and mystical whimsy hit all the right notes. I particularly liked some of the weird science/magic fusion elements that went on. I don’t want to spoil it all for you, but if you’re at all interested, take a trip into The Night Garden!

Talk to me, Bookworms. The Night Garden spends a lot of time talking about the garden maze’s ability to provide visitors with clarity on their problems. What helps you work out your dilemmas? Asking for a friend…

*If you make a purchase through a link on this site, I will receive a small commission.*


20 Responses to “The Night Garden by Lisa Van Allen”

  1. Lost in Literature 108

    This book looks and sounds lovely.

    I have no advice for working out dilemmas. I usually try to be mature and go with a decision, hoping it all works out, but something negative typically still happens. I guess that’s why they call it a dilemma. But thanks for asking the question, this may be the first time I’ve had to think about the spelling of dilemma. I must not use that word very often…

  2. Megan M.

    Ooooh this sounds like a tailor-made Megan book!

    When I have a problem I usually spend my time incessantly Facebooking and Tumblring looking for new content to distract me. To actually solve my problem I usually ask other people I trust what they think.

  3. Elizabeth

    This book looks great.

    I work through dilemmas in the shower. I have to figure it out before the water turns cold…it usually works.

    • Words For Worms

      Oooh that is a good idea. I always feel better after singing in the shower, though we have one of those newfangled tankless water heaters so the water doesn’t typically run cold.

  4. Jennine G.

    I usually think through all sides and then ask a couple trusted people or people with experience in the area. It would be much easier to just have a magic garden to walk through though!

  5. Jenny @ Reading the End

    Having friends and family whose opinions I trust is really helpful to me when I’m in a dilemma. And driving is also good. Driving with the music on quite loud, so my brain absolutely can’t think about the dilemma and absolutely has to let go of that for however long I’m in the car.

  6. Katie @ Doing Dewey

    The fact that this is magical realism is enough that I want to pick it up, but I’m even more excited because you enjoyed it so much. I feel like we have pretty similar taste in the types of books we pick up, so I’m hopeful I’d really enjoy it to 🙂

Talk to me, Bookworms!

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