Greetings my dear Bookworms!
The lovely ladies of The Broke and The Bookish are hosting yet another fabulous Top Ten Tuesday. This week, they’ve asked us to list books we read when we need something light and fun. I’ve compiled a list of books that satisfy my craving for literary cotton candy. Without further ado…
1. The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisenberger. I love a little chick lit when I’m down and out. This book helps put things in perspective, because there’s basically NO WAY any boss could be this bad in real life. It’s great for the “thank HEAVEN that isn’t me” giggle.
2. The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin. Yes, more chick lit. If you’ve ever babysat in your life (and really, who hasn’t?!) you’ll find the humor in this book. It’s funny and poignant, and it’ll turn your frown upside down. Rich people are so weird, and if you’re the 99 percent, you’ll love it. (If you’re the one percent, you need to explain to me what the deal is with lavender water…)
3. Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard & Florence Atwater. This shouldn’t surprise anyone. How can you not be happy when you read this? It’s joyous and delightful and full of PENGUINS! Now that I’ve met a penguin in real life, I’m concerned about the hygiene aspect of keeping non house-trainable penguins in one’s home, but I’m willing to overlook it. For the sake of FUN, obviously.
4. Daisy Fay and The Miracle Man by Fannie Flagg. Fannie Flagg is the BEST at heartwarming stories with a southern twang. I will accept all kinds of cheesy if it comes from Ms. Flagg, she’s a treat. Daisy Fay cracked me up, particularly for a silly scenario involving a beauty pageant. Having once been in a pageant scholarship program, stories like this tickle me. Anyone seen Drop Dead Gorgeous? Hilariousness.
5. Harry Potter by JK Rowling. Very few things are able to cheer me up the way Harry Potter can. Even when things are at their most dire and tragic, Rowling always finds a way to make these stories uplifting and wonderful. Escapism at its finest!
6. Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding. True story- I loved Bridget so much, that my college roommate (Quirky Chrissy) and I named our houseplants after characters in the book. Bridget is the ultimate every woman. Wine. Chocolate. Humor. Love. Happiness!
7. Bossypants by Tina Fey. I like reading about funny actresses, and Bossypants is one of my favorites. Fey approaches her life story with humor, grace, and humility. I want her to come to my slumber party!
8. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling. That magical slumber party where Tina Fey is in attendance? So is Mindy Kaling! I love her so much. She’s sort of Bridget Jones if she were Indian, hilarious, and had her life together. Meaning, she’s a cool funny lady who doesn’t wear a size 2 and is likely well versed in the frivolities that make life worth living. (If you’re not watching her new show, The Mindy Project, you’re missing out on some good times.)
9. The Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris. Sexy vampires, sexy werewolves, sexy telepaths, sexy fairies… Fun supernatural times on the bayou (actually, it’s just in Louisiana. I’m not sure that counts as on the bayou because I think that’s a geological swamp thing that probably doesn’t encompass the whole state. However. This is about crazy supernatural fun, not geology. Also, I like saying “bayou.”) New book to finish out the series is on the horizon. Anyone else looking forward to it (and looking past the fact that the last few books have been somewhat lackluster?)
10. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. I can’t help but smile while reading this. It’s the very definition of whimsy! Word play plus nostalgia plus tea equals pure delight.
Hey shiny, happy Bookworms- what are your top picks for light and fluffy reads?
Oh Alice! That is probably my all time favorite book. You’ve got a good list of book candy here 🙂 I’ve recently fallen in love with graphic novels. The ones I’ve read aren’t exactly fluffy (Maus!) but they are definitely a sort of a literary palate cleansers.
Words for Worms
Good call! I should find some Hello Kitty comics or something. They have penguin characters :).
Love this list. I couldn’t get into the Sookie books, but the others are on my comfort read list!
Words for Worms
Comfort reading is like comfort food without the calories!
YES! Very, very yes!
Shana London
Great list! Bridget Jones and Sookie Stackhouse are definitely at the top of mine. My husband always knows something is up when my hardback copy of Bridget appears on the nightstand. 🙂 I don’t know what it is, but at this point the book feels like an old friend that I go to when things get rough. And now I sound like the crazy person for the day! And yes, the last few Sookie novels have been lacking in the page-turning crazy content we have come to know and love. I suppose it is because there has been such concentration on the love story between Sookie and Eric? If that’s the case, I hope they end up together. Maybe. 🙂
Words for Worms
Nooooo Sookie and Sam! I’m shipping hard for Sookie and Sam.
Megan Venable Smith
Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man is my hands down favorite book EVER, Alice is the awesomest princess, and Bridget Jones holds my heart in her hands. Read Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination.
Words for Worms
Oh you know I read Olivia Joules! It was such ridiculous fun. There’s a new Bridget book on the horizon, have you heard?
Megan M.
I love the Agatha Raisin mysteries by M.C. Beaton. They always make me laugh. Also the Aunt Dimity series by Nancy Atherton – they’re possibly the COZIEST cozy mysteries I’ve ever read.
Words for Worms
I do like things cozy- I may have to check those out!
I have serious concerns (okay, not really serious) about the ending of the Sookie Stackouse series – it made my list too. Of course, I’m curious to read the next Bridget Jones too…
And Tuna Fey is hilarious!
Words for Worms
I am laughing so hard at your unintentional typo. The u and the i are right next door to eachother on the keyboard, and poor Tina has suffered the consequences. LOL. You are my favorite.
Didn’t even notice. I blame the tiny keyboard on the iPhone. Clearly not made for adult hands.
Apologies to Tina. And you’re welcome for the morning laugh.
Another Clean Slate
I’ve read all of these except the Sookie Stackhouse series… need to check it out!
Words for Worms
It’s good fun if you have a high tolerance for campy vamps!
I love Mr. Popper’s Penguins! I can’t wait until my kids read it.
Words for Worms
That will be so much fun! Sometimes I tell myself that when I have kids, I’ll start reading Mr. Popper and Alice to my pregnant belly to get them acclimated to greatness early…
I finally just read “Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me” last month while on vacation and LOVED it. I’ve been watching The Mindy Project and was thrilled to find out that Mindy is just as funny as I hoped she’d be. And I’d like an invite to that dinner party.
Also, I JUST finished reading a new book that was a Kindle freebie and I freaking LOVED it. I laughed the entire way through — and not just that random ‘he he’ laugh… like FULL ON laughter where my husband looks at me oddly. Read this: The Seven Steps to Closure New favorite book to read when I’m down. =)
Words for Worms
You’re invited to the slumber party. So is Amy Poehler.
I love Tina Fey, Mindy Kaling, and the Sookie Series. I pre-ordered the last Sookie book and got confirmation last night that it was delivered to my kindle!!! So excited, but I’m still working on my mother’s day present so I’m having to exercise serious self-control in not starting with Sookie until that’s done. Don’t know if I will survive… I’m rooting for Sookie and Sam as well!
Words for Worms
It’s Sookie day isn’t it?! I wouldn’t be so excited if it weren’t the series conclusion! I simply must acquire this. Right. Now.
Most of these are on my list too. Or I need to read them – like Tina Fey and Mindy Kaling.
Yes, it’s Sookie Day! Why didn’t I take off of work all day so that I could read it?! Maybe no one will notice if I’m reading at my desk. 🙂 I may or may not have already read a few chapters before coming to work today. And I chose to overlook that the last few have not been as good. I can’t decide how I want this one to end. Hopefully I’ll be happy with it. Did you hear there’s going to be one more that wraps up what happens with everyone else’s lives in October? It sounds to me like an A-Z list of the characters and what happened with them – like Tara’s twins, Andy & Halleigh, etc.
Words for Worms
The idea of the spare book makes me really happy, actually. I know JK Rowling discussed what became of her characters in some forums, I’d have liked to have it all at my fingertips. The reviews I’ve seen so far are abysmal. I’m concerned.
Yay Tina Fey! and I really need to get to Kaling and Fieldings books. I can’t however agree with the whole HP series as good for a light and fun read. Especially so far into this readalong and I’m having all the feels.
Words for Worms
I guess I shouldn’t say light and fun, but they sure do cheer me up, even when things are bad. It’s like hanging out with old friends and getting hugs!
Myth Adventures by Robert Asprin for when Discworld becomes to heavy (which is admitedly not even remotely often)
Dragonbreath Series by Ursula Vernon for childlike whimsy and cute drawings.
Mouseguard by David Peterson because, you know…mice with swords and kick ass artwork! It’s like how Cinderella should have been.
Old Man’s War by John Scalzi for when I need Sci-Fi but don’t want to deal with the war torn future of the Warhammer 40k universe or fight through the hordes of Arachnids with the Mobile Infantry again.
As I type this list I realize I don’t really read much that others would consider Literary Cotton Candy…meh, I’m okay with this…:D
Woo nice list! Harry Potter is my go-to comfort read. And Alice in Wonderland and Bossypants are great choices too! I couldn’t get behind The Devil Wears Prada, though. The movie is hilarious, but the book just made me so mad! Couldn’t stand Andy 😛
Words for Worms
Ha! I can see that, but I still liked it. The Harry Potter part just killed me.
Leigh Kendall
I don’t admit lightly to reading chick lit, but I love The Devil Wears Prada. Excellent writing. I did have a job once where some of the errands I was sent on were similar to Andy’s, but thankfully not so extreme – and my boss was much more pleasant!
Words for Worms
Thank goodness your boss wasn’t so evil!
Ula @ Blog of Erised
HP and Bossypants made my list as well. Nice picks 🙂
Words for Worms
Thank you!
Sarah Says Read
I need to catch up on The Mindy Project! One of these days I just need to lay around and watch Hulu to catch up on all the tv things. But for reals, Mindy is a delight.
I was intrigued by The Devil Wears Prada when the movie came out and then I never got around to reading OR seeing it. So it’s good then?
Words for Worms
I liked DWP in both book and movie form. The movie strays, but I’ve got a soft spot for Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep. The book is great, you know, as long as you’re not expecting Shakespeare. Good for a fun change of pace.
Shannon (Giraffe Days)
Your comment about Mr Popper’s Penguins really made me laugh! I’ve never read it but now I’m curious!
I haven’t read all that many books I think would be categorised as chick-lit, but it’s true that I get ones that look light and fun for those days when I need something like that – only I tend to forget I have them! I nearly put something by Sophie Kinsella on my list but ran out of room (and I can’t believe I forgot Bridget Jones, that’s such a funny book!). I’ve never read The Devil Wears Prada or The Nanny Diaries, which is odd, when I think about it.
I got a copy of Bossypants recently but haven’t read it yet – sounds like it’ll be a great laugh! She’s such an enjoyable comedian/actor, I love her stuff.
My TTT list.
Words for Worms
I love Mr. Popper so much, but I have learned that penguin poop is just like bird poop, and they just go where they please when they please. So so so cute though.
I have never read any Sophie Kinsella. I am somewhat ashamed to admit that. I’m sure you’ll like Bossypants- Tina Fey is the best!
Just read it–Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin. What an amazing storyteller! And it’s awesome to imagine San Francisco back in those crazy swinging days. Oh, and I want to be Mouse’s best friend.
Words for Worms
Cool! Sounds like a great read!
Bridget Jone’s Diary is fun!
Words for Worms
Agreed 🙂
Mr. Popper’s Penguins! I have so much love and so many fantastic memories surrounding that book. It’s a cozy, feel-good one for me, too.
Words for Worms
One of the best!
Zen A.
The Nanny Diaries and Bossypants were a joy to read! Usually when I want a light, happy read, I’ll pick something by Sophie Kinsella or Lisa Lutz. Occasionally I will find a stray copy of Archie comics… maybe they don’t classify as “books”, but they’re fun! 😉
Words for Worms
I have a friend who swears by Archie for a pick me up!
Delete Lauren Weisenberger and add Sophie Kinsella and that’s pretty much my list as well 🙂
Words for Worms
I am ashamed to admit I’ve never read a Sophie Kinsella!
@Words for Worms: You should try out a couple of her books. They are really escapist chick-lit. Fun!
Lisa G
Have spent this ENTIRE day thinking it was Tuesday (it’s Wednesday) and figure it’s probably cause I missed TTT yesterday. HP is a go to for me as well. Jen Lancaster for Memoir (the early ones if I’m feeling bad about where my life is right now, and the later ones for just a case of the blahs) The Princess Bride always makes me happy sigh. The “Cat Who” books by Lillian Jackson Braun, or any of the Janet Evanovich “Plum” series too.
Words for Worms
I have got to read some Jen Lancaster. Everything I hear is fabulous!