Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Jane Austen and Ben H Winters

October 20, 2014 Audio Books, Classics, Humor 19

Yo Ho Ho, Bookworms!

If I were to write up a personal ad, I would list some of my “likes” as Jane Austen, pirate lingo, audio books, and penguins. Obviously penguins. Because my library rocks my world, I was able to obtain an audio copy of Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Jane Austen and Ben H Winters. It’s the Austen story you remember with a steampunk twist… And man-eating sea creatures, naturally.

senseandsensibilityandseamonstersElinor and Marianne Dashwood are, as in the original Sense and Sensibility , lovely girls of extremely modest fortune thanks to their greedy brother and his nasty wife. Of course, in this version of the story, the Dashwood patriarch was taken out by a sea beast. For some reason, all the creatures in the ocean are now PISSED at humanity and seek ways of destroying it at all costs. Because why not? Thanks to their want of fortune, the very worthy Dashwood ladies are not much favored in their search for suitable husbands (despite Elinor’s MAD SKILLS at carving driftwood.) Heartbreak happens. Healing happens. PENGUIN THEMED WEDDINGS happen.

It’s probably only because I listened to Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (review) in fairly rapid succession (as opposed to the gap of several years between when I read the originals), but it occurs to me that perhaps Ms. Austen had her heart broken by a cad whose name began with a “W.” Wickham, Willoughby… That can’t be a coincidence can it?

This book had the funniest descriptions of an evil ocean ever. I mean, “great burbling salt cauldrons of death”?! That is glorious. Truly though, the absolute best thing about this book was Colonel Brandon with a squid face. Sure, there were sexual innuendos, endless creative descriptions of a treacherous sea, an underwater colony, and glorified pirates absconding with native women to keep as wives, but giving Colonel Brandon tentacles was a stroke of pure genius.

If you’re an Austen purist, you’ll probably hate this book every bit as much as you’d hate Pride and Prejudice and ZombiesIf, though, you don’t consider Ms. Austen’s work beyond the realm of satire, you should definitely give these books a try. They are so much fun!

Talk to me Bookworms! What are some of the “likes” you’d put in YOUR personal ad? (You can tell how long it’s been since I’ve been in the dating game, because I’m pretty sure “personal ads” as such no longer exist. Pretend it’s Match-Harmony-Cupid-Face or whatever.)

*If you make a purchase through a link on this site, I will receive a small commission.*


19 Responses to “Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Jane Austen and Ben H Winters”

  1. Joules (from Pocketful of Joules)

    Likes: marshmallows, dinners at a restaurant that I don’t have to clean up, my kindle and lots of television.

    Dislikes: stinky people, smoke breath, assholes who don’t tip appropriately and anyone obsessed with sports of any kind.

  2. Hobbie DeHoy

    I didn’t finish P & P and Zombies because I didn’t think the zombie sections were integrated well with the original text. It was like a chunk of Austen, a chunk of zombies, a chunk of Austen again. So I never read S & S and Sea Monsters. Do you have an opinion about that with either book? I think you should put “blogging” as one of your “likes!”

  3. AMB

    This sounds like so much fun! I’m not an Austen purist, but I tend to be very picky about what retellings are “worth it.” This might work for me because the author has inserted something very different and new into an old favorite.

  4. Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader

    Personal ads. Wowza, it’s been 2 decades since I met the dude I’m married to so I haven’t thought of anything of the sort for a long while. Likes: Food, books, cats. Omg, it’s a miracle that I did meet my husband, lol. I SOUND so single. 😉

    I tried Pride & Prejudice & Zombies but after 2 paragraphs I threw the book across the room. No one should mess with Austen, dammit. Ha!

    • Words For Worms

      Haaa! I’m allergic to cats, but food and books top my list too! I’m relieved on a regular basis that I don’t have to date anymore. I was awful at it the first time.

  5. ThatAshGirl

    I’m like the only person I know who doesn’t have an online dating profile. But honestly, I read, I knit, go to the pub with my friends and dominate trivia night, I enjoy tea and cuddles with my cat. I think my online profile would be kinda depressing.

Talk to me, Bookworms!

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