Fellowship of the Worms Announcement: We Were Liars

August 4, 2014 Book Club 31

What’s up, Bookworms?

What’s that you say? You’re sad because I haven’t chosen a new book for the internet’s premiere book club, The Fellowship of the Worms? The wait ends today, my friends, because I have finally picked a book! I’m happy to announce that I’ve chosen We Were Liars by E. Lockhart for our next discussion. I’ve read several reviews of this book, but most of them say “OMG I don’t want to spoil anything, just read it!” So. We’re going to read it. And then discuss it and ALL THE SPOILERS because that’s how we roll in the Fellowship. (We warn people of spoilers, OF COURSE, but you know you want to be able to talk about it when there’s a big twist, right?!) If you don’t believe me on the secrecy thing, check out the Goodreads synposis:

we were liarsA beautiful and distinguished family.
A private island.
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.
A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.
A revolution. An accident. A secret.
Lies upon lies.
True love.
The truth.
We Were Liars is a modern, sophisticated suspense novel from National Book Award finalist and Printz Award honoree E. Lockhart. 

Read it.
And if anyone asks you how it ends, just LIE.

How am I supposed to not be intrigued by this?! Discussion questions will be posted on Friday, September 12. There will be a linky available for anybody who has reviewed We Were Liars or would like to answer the discussion questions on his or her own blog. If you’re going to tackle the discussion questions on your own blog, PLEASE issue a spoiler alert. Nothing is more hostile than an angry internet. If you just want to stick to discussing in the comment section of this blog, that’s cool too. I love talking about books with you crazy kids, I can’t wait for this one! Let’s conquer this mystery shall we? Who’s in?! 

*If you purchase a copy of We Were Liars through a link on this site, I will receive a small commission.*

31 Responses to “Fellowship of the Worms Announcement: We Were Liars”

  1. Jancee

    YES! So excited! I’ve literally been on hold for this book all summer at my library. My anticipation is killing me! So glad you picked this one!

  2. Helen @ My Novel Opinion

    Oh, I actually have this one waiting to be read! I transferred it from the bookshelf to the coffee table (my next to be read pile) just last night. If I do get to it by Sept 12th I’ll join the discussion with the Fellowship crew 🙂

  3. Emily

    I am so in for this month!!! I heard mutterings of this book around the blogosphere and I can’t wait to read it. PS Love the blog update!

  4. AMB

    Great choice! Sadly, I already know how it ends–It’s the one time I’m very, very annoyed that I saw a spoiler–I still want to read it, though. I won’t have much reading time this month or next with what I’ve got going on at work, but hopefully I’ll be able to fit it in by September 12 or shortly thereafter.

  5. Kelly

    I am totally in!!! Just took this out from the library last week, it’s due back before the end of the month so I will finish early, but I’m sure I will still have lots to discuss in sept 🙂

  6. Tanya

    And i thought i was the only one who hadn’t read this yet. I will participate for sure if my hold at the library comes up. I’m afraid to check where I am on the list, so we’ll just keep our fingers crossed, ok?

    • Words For Worms

      Thanks :). I’m rather happy with the new look myself- I did a lot of the tweaking on my own so I feel tech savvy (I purchased a highly customizable theme that did the difficult parts for me, but I figured out how to use it, for which I feel intelligent.)

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