Hiya Bookworms,
A few weeks back I ran across a review for a book that piqued my interest. Monika from A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall posted a review of a very cool sounding dystopian book called Solomon the Peacemaker by Hunter Welles. I love a good dystopia, so I made my way over to NetGalley to ask nicely for an advanced copy. *Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I wouldn’t dream of lying, for I fear the wrath of the robots…*
This book is set in the future- the world has been cordoned off into safe zones known as “nodes” for major cities as well as outlying areas of wildness. Robots known as “servods” perform household functions for the majority of families living within nodes. Sadly, none of them have the comedic timing of Rosie from The Jetsons. The peace of society as it is now known rests heavily in the hands of “the Peacemaker.” The Peacemaker is an elaborate computer program designed to predict and diffuse violent conflicts around the world. It also needs to be installed in a human’s head in order to work. Because cyborgs.
We slowly learn these facts through what appear to be psychological or criminal investigative interviews with Vincent Chell. Vincent and his wife Yael were never big fans of the whole robot industry, feelings which led to their involvement with a bizarre cult-like resistance group determined to undermine the Peacemaker. I found this narrative technique intriguing, as Chell’s memories slowly unfolded.
I was riveted by the story, but rather disappointed in the ending. I won’t be a Spoiler-Saurus-Rex, but I was left with some lingering questions… If you have any inclination toward sci/fi and dystopian fiction, I’d recommend you give Solomon the Peacemaker a try.
If you could have a robotic housekeeper, would you? I’d be all over that, because cooking is the worst. I’d get a chef robot. Dangit science, when is somebody going to get me a chef robot?!
*If you choose to make a purchase of Solomon the Peacemaker from a link on this site, I will receive a small commission… Which I intend to invest in the research and development of chef robots.*
Andi (@estellasrevenge)
I just registered for a Robotic Housekeeper last weekend. Methinks no one will spend that much on our wedding gift, though. Hmmphf. This cover is totally #coverho worthy.
Words For Worms
You never know, your co-workers might go in on a group gift of robotic housekeeper. Keep the faith!
Megan M.
I feel like the answer to the question “Would you like a robot?” is always “Yes!” Even if all it did was pour coffee and I don’t even like coffee I would be like “Gimme it!”
Were computer programmers revered as gods during this robot takeover? Or were they Public Enemy Number One?
Words For Worms
I’m inclined to agree with you, although a tiny part of me thinks things could go terribly wrong. I’d still take my chances. You know, I own a gadget that’s sort of robot-y. It’s a penguin with a timer in it that raises the tea bag out of your mug when you’ve reached your optimal steeping time. That’s basically a coffee pouring robot’s cousin, right?
I can see why you’d feel that way about the ending… I think maybe I felt a bit of that, too, but maybe I’m just hoping there will be a sequel or something? teehee
But heck YES I’d want a robot housekeeper! Like you, especially for the cooking. I hate to cook!
Words For Worms
Yes, because I need some resolution to know what became of… Everything!
Wendy @ Wensend
I don’t want a chef robot: my boyfriend is the best cook in the world (to me he is ;)). But I would like a robot that could write my bachelor thesis, so if you happen to meet one: send him over 😉
Words For Worms
I’ll get that robot ad on Craigslist. So far the only thesis robots I’ve found are writing PhDs.
Joules (from Pocketful of Joules)
Hmmm… I WOULD like a housekeeper robot, but would need assurances that it wouldn’t go all Terminator on my family at some point. In my imagination, the roomba is totally normal until the king robot tells it to start killing and then the cat better watch out. Just saying.
Words For Worms
Good point… As much as I want a robo-chef, I would always be eyeing it suspiciously and watching for signs of self awareness…
Jennine G.
As I read this I thought of the movies Eagle Eye and iRobot! But I would definitely risk the robot if it could cook!
Jennifer St. James
Love to cook, hate to clean, so I’d definitely have a house-and-kitchen-cleaning robot YESTERDAY if I could!
Words For Worms
Oh yeah, your robot could totally do all the cleanup after you make a gourmet meal!
Katie @ Doing Dewey
It’s too bad the ending wasn’t completely satisfying because the premise and the mysterious sound of the plot seem like they could make for a great story. If I could get a robot to cook and clean for me, I’d be all over that 🙂
Acid Free Pulp
I really enjoyed this book (I rarely have the chance to read genre fiction). I didn’t have a problem with the ending. My interest waned a wee bit when the narrative discussed the global events that were happening via the news reports on the television that Yael watched. I also reviewed this book, http://wp.me/pc1LK-10k (if you’re interested).