Tag: Post-Apocalyptic Fiction

Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler

Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler

Greetings Bookworms! I’ve been on an Octavia Butler kick lately. After I read Fledgling (review) wherein Octavia Butler turned vampire lore upside down, I decided it was time to tackle dystopian/post apocalyptic Butler. When an author totally blows your mind in multiple genres (because Kindred too!), it only makes sense to explore their entire backlist… Read more »







California by Edan Lepucki

California by Edan Lepucki

Salutations, Bookworms! I’ve been doing a little self-psychoanalysis and I think part of the reason that I like dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction so much is because it makes all my first world problems seem super petty. I mean, I might be worried about dieting or something, but that seems less critical when you read about… Read more »
