Happy Wednesday, Bookworms!
I have not fallen off the face of the planet, I promise. I’ve just had a busy week and weekend and I decided on more than one occasion that coloring would be a better use of my time than writing a blog post. These things happen sometimes. Anywho, since I’m in a random mishmash mood, I think it’s time we share some Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts, don’t you? (Thanks to Christine at Bookishly Boisterous for hosting!)

FIRST: WordPress is annoyingly insistent on reformatting the way I write numbered lists and it’s driving me crazy, so I’m going to use ACTUAL WORDS instead of numbers to try to beat the computers. It’s like The Matrix up in here, you guys.
SECOND: Hamilton. I drank the Kool-Aid. I live tweeted my first listen. I laughed. I cried. Since the first listen, I’ve either been listening to it again OR had songs stuck in my head. I also have a giant crush on Daveed Diggs. How does one rap whilst maintaining a French accent?! HOW?! AND THEN sound COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to play Thomas Jefferson?! I am not sure if I’m going to read Ron Chernow’s book (although who are we kidding? I read Les Miserables
as a direct result of the musical
, so it’ll probably happen eventually…) but I keep hitting Wikipedia for extra historical tidbits.
THIRD: My birthday was last week. I turned 33. I stopped getting excited about birthdays a while ago. I mean, I don’t want to be a spoilsport, but instead of being an occasion where I can simply enjoy eating all the cake, birthdays now turn into this sort of melancholy “taking stock of life” sort of occasion for me. I blame my brain chemistry (and probably also my biological clock.) It turns out that it’s a pretty good thing that I had low/grumpy expectations, though, because Hubs came home from work violently ill on my birthday. Poor guy. After I cleaned up and put the man to bed, I just chilled out eating Doritos and watching Gilmore Girls. Fancy dinner out has been postponed (since his birthday and our dating anniversary are a mere 10 days after MY birthday, it’ll work out fine.) I’ll probably enjoy it more without the gray cloud of birthday melancholy hanging over my head anyway. But since I’m 33 and, uh, “Mellon Collie”…
FOURTH: I’ve been in some kind of reading slump lately, I’ll tell you what. I’ve powered through a few things but the only thing keeping me from DNF-ing some current reads is the fact that I’m not super stoked about anything I’ve got on deck to read. I’m sure it will resolve itself soon, these things usually do, but meh.
FIFTH: I renewed my library card yesterday! I had planned to hit the gym for a Body Pump class BUT a railroad track runs right through the gym’s parking lot. Not only did I have to wait for a train to chug through, but the darn thing STOPPED. On the tracks. Just like, blocking everything. Not a great design decision on the gym’s part certainly, but seriously, train? It doesn’t seem like there’s any sort of schedule. I waited for a few minutes and then gave up, remembered I needed to get my library card renewed and decided to eat Easter candy instead of exercising. I obviously make excellent decisions.
That’s been my week- what have YOU been up to, Bookworms?
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So far the haven’t gotten into Hamilton. I listened to the first song. Then I had to look up the lyrics because I’m old and couldn’t understand them. That seems like a lot of work so I didn’t go any farther.
Words For Worms
I thought that might be an issue for me, but then I realized that I often don’t correctly understand the lyrics for musicals for a while after I start listening. I doubt I’ll ever get the whole thing down word for word, but you should give it another try. There’s some more traditional songs a wee bit further down the line that are utterly delightful.
Megan M.
Ah, Hamilton. I’m waiting for them to release a video of the original cast because 90% of us are never going to be able to go see it, amirite? I hope they do, not least of which because they would make sooooo much money. It was my birthday a few months ago and I have been having the same birthday crisis wherein I think, why haven’t I reached my goals by now??? It sucks. Also trains! We have so. many. trains. where I live. I feel you on that.
Words For Worms
Yeah I’m never going to make it to NYC to see the original cast, I’d love a video. I’m glad I’m not the only one with birthday existential issues!
River City Reading
Did you fall down the Hamilton Genius rabbithole yet? It was my first step after Wiki-ing everything and life has never been the same. http://genius.com/albums/Lin-manuel-miranda/Hamilton-original-broadway-cast-recording
I also have a favorite and that favorite is Daveed Diggs forever and ever amen.
Happy belated birthday!!
Words For Worms
I think I’ve landed there a couple of times just doing checks of the lyrics (I’m not great with lyrics and always, always mishear things.) I’m sure I’ll fall fully down that rabbit hole soon!
Unruly Reader
Happy birthday, a bit late! The library card will promote your mental fitness, so there’s that…
Words For Worms
LOL, excellent point!
Happy belated birthday! I hope your big combined celebration is wonderful!
I fully relate to skipping the gym to eat Easter candy and make sure you can renew your book supply. I call it an excellent choice!
Words For Worms
Thanks Lindsey! I expect birthday dinner will be excellent, the restaurant we are planning to go to is always soooooooooo delicious. And I’m totally getting dessert. My own dessert. None of this sharing nonsense.
I’m totally neutral to Birthdays since I turned 30.
Jenny @ReadingtheEnd (@readingtheend)
HAMILTON I have not been listening to it nearly enough this week but I have been attempting to persuade another of my good pals to listen to it. Also I have been watching this Vine a lot of times because it is super charming (and shows that LMM really has his finger on the pulse of the internet). https://vine.co/v/O30KxbauMtL
Happy birthdaaaaaaaaaaaay!! I hope when you do end up having your joint birthday-husband’s-birthday-anniversary celebration, that it’s awesome!
Belated birthday wishes for you. <3 Hope your hubby feels better soon, and you two can have a delayed celebration. But really – Doritos and Gilmore Girls – that actually sounds good to me ( not normal, but whatever!).
And yes..while I still love birthdays in general, the said cloud makes an appearance over my head when it is my birthday. Since the past few years anyway. Ever since I turned 26 actually, and I turned 31 last Dec, so it's been a while.
Sometimes I really hate how wordpress formats lists too! Happy belated birthday and good luck finding a book that really draws you in 🙂
Happy Birthday! I agree with the numbering on WP. I just use bullets now. I haven’t indulged in the Kool-Aid yet…afraid it will mess up my slight reading binge.
Amy Sachs (@amysachs)
I can’t stop listening to Hamilton either, and I can’t believe that it was hardly any length of time ago I DIDN’T GET IT. If you do decide to read the monster biography, we should definitely try to have a mini #hamalong, because i maybe (ok definitely) just downloaded it on my Kindle…
I drank the Kool-Aid. — Welcome! It’s delightful on this side.
Happy belated birthday!
Andi M. (@estellasrevenge)
Right now I wish there was a train keeping me from working out.