Greetings Bookworms!
It’s Tuesday and, really, is there a better day of the week? (Don’t answer that, Tuesday can hear you.) This week the ladies of The Broke and the Bookish have declared this week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic a FREEBIE. I decided that I’d make a list of some of my favorite book blogs and share some of the loooove. I’m listing the book blogs I visit and comment on most frequently. That doesn’t mean I don’t love all sorts of other blogs (bookish and otherwise), it’s just that I wanted to send a little extra special love to these folks. I HAD TO MAKE CHOICES! I have met none of these folks in person, but believe you me, if I ever do, there will be SO MUCH HUGGING.

1. Sarah Says Read: Sarah is amazing. She unapologetically reads what she likes and doesn’t buy into the concept of guilty pleasures. I also love that during Sarah Sundays she’ll share tidbits about her life. I like to hear about the reader in addition to the books. Full of awesome, Sarah is. (And she’d appreciate that Yoda-ism, because she’s just that cool.)
2. Read a Latte: Amy is my spirit animal (not to be confused with my patronus, which is, in fact, a prehistoric giant penguin.) She writes a super fun, thoughtful blog, and she’s beyond adorable. If you’re not already reading a-latte, you need to check it out!
3. Capricious Reader: I’d be lost without Heather, LOST, I tell you! She is genuine, kind, hilarious, AND she’s got killer taste in books. She and I are secretly little old ladies, which is cool, because it’s a relief to finally have someone to discuss the finer points of shuffleboard with.
4. Estella’s Revenge: Andi, Andi, Andi. This girl. She is an endlessly patient mentor to those of us who go to her for advice (often with arms flailing in full panic mode.) She’s also got some mad fashionista skills and her instagram feed inspires me to embrace my girly side.
5. River City Reading: Shannon is a peach. She reads a lot of literary fiction and new releases and mixes her reviews with a lot of cool, insightful think pieces. Her picks often challenge me to pick up some cerebral stuff that’s a little outside my comfort zone. It’s always good to have someone to help you push your boundaries.

6. The Relentless Reader: Jen is a fellow Midwestern book maven. Lately she’s been doing a lot of mini-review posts which are bite sized and full of goodness. She also totally posts food porn which makes me wish I were less inept in the kitchen.
7. The Well Read Redhead: I’m amazed that Kelly manages to read at all, what with her pair of outrageously adorable little boys. She’s always got some humor sneaking into her reviews and discussions, and CLEARLY, the way to my heart is through my funny bone.
8. A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall: Monika is my favorite book pusher in all the land! I tease her a lot because she is such a great advocate for the books she loves and she’s convinced me to pick up a number of things I’d otherwise have missed out on. (I may also be BFFs with her 4-year-old. C rules.)
9. The Misfortune of Knowing: AMB keeps one of the most innovative blogs in the book blogosphere. She manages to intermingle books and legal discussions which are always informative and entertaining. As if that weren’t enough, her blog name is Jane Austen inspired. Glorious.
10. Fourth Street Review: Rory reads all the dark and twisty things, and she’s my go-to resource for Stephen King recommendations. (I always ask her for the ones that won’t give me nightmares.) She also makes super fun Literary Mix Tapes and recommends books based on other great stuff (like GILMORE GIRLS!) You know that’s a good time!
I know there are tons of awesome book blogs out there and I’ve obviously had to leave some out of ye old list of ten. What are some of YOUR favorite book blogs, Bookworms?
tanya (52 books or bust)
All of these number in my favorites too! Just when i was hoping to discover some new blogs!
Words For Worms
Aww, I’m sorry to disappoint, Tanya. The good news is that at least you have impeccable taste :).
Awww thanks for including me in the love fest! We have very similar taste too, because nearly all of these would be in my top 10 as well 🙂
Words For Worms
Obviously you have excellent taste, my dear!
Shannon @ River City Reading
No, YOU’RE a peach that just made my day. And how awesome to be among all my favorites, too.
Words For Worms
Sarah's Book Shelves
I just recently discovered Read a Latte and am now following on Bloglovin! Not sure how I missed that one for so long! I also love River City Reading (Shannon is so creative…just amazes me!), Estella’s Revenge, and The Relentless Reader.
Words For Worms
Oh gosh, I know! How does Shannon do it, seriously? I kind of want to crawl in her brain and poke around.
Amy @ Read a Latte
You are the best! Thanks for including me AND for giving me new blogs to check out!
Words For Worms
Anytime, doll!
Heather @ Capricious Reader
Mildred! I blush! I seriously, seriously blush!!! I couldn’t live without my Mildred either. Who else am I going to riff on the merits of shuffleboard?
Words For Worms
Ethel, you complete me.
Joules (from Pocketful of Joules)
I somehow “met” Andi from Estella’s Revenge through your Instagram Feed and I totally love her too!
Words For Worms
Doesn’t she do great things with accessories? So awesome. You’re still my #1 fashion guru though, Joules. I can’t think of many people I’d be willing to text swimsuit dressing room photos to, LOL!
Andi (@estellasrevenge)
Books books and more books!!!!
Words For Worms
YAY! New book blogs to follow!
Words For Worms
Enjoy them!
Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader
May I offer my congratulations to you for your fantastic taste? (Ha ha) You’ve listed my very favorite blogs as well and it’s a bonus that mine has been included. You’re the best. 😀
Words For Worms
The feeling is mutual!
Other than yours, you mean?
I love most of the ones you listed, but I’d also add Oh, the Books. I pretty much don’t read ANY of the books they review, but all of their other content is always great. (Well, I’m sure the reviews are great too, I’m just not much of a YA reader.)
Also I have to give a shout-out to Christine at Buckling Bookshelves since she’s my fellow April momma-to-be.
Words For Worms
Awww Charleen, I’m blushing. I haven’t spent much time on Oh, the Books or Buckling Bookshelves. It seems I have some reading to do. How’s the baby baking going? Is it kicking and being all adorable the way I imagine fetuses to be? Or is it like using your rib cage as a gymnastic apparatus?
A little of both. It is pretty cool to feel the baby moving when it’s not uncomfortable… but unfortunately, space is at a premium in there, so it’s getting uncomfortable more and more often. Also, I can’t eat! These pregnant women who literally “eat for two”… where do they put it?! It’s so weird to be still hungry but feel stuffed at the same time!
Andi (@estellasrevenge)
Girllll! You are so sweet to include me. I see a couple of blogs here I’ve never read, so I am ON THEM!
Megan M.
Well, you’re my fave, but I ALSO like to check out Bookshelves of Doom. She’s a reviewer for Kirkus and tends to read YA, which is one of my fave genres. I’ve purchased many books based on her recommendations. And while it is not a book review blog, I LOVE the Librarian Problems tumblr. It’s hysterical.
Words For Worms
I’m going to have to look into Librarian Problems. That sounds like my cup of crazy!
kristin @ my little heart melodies
Great list! Such good sites, I’m a fan of many of them as well 🙂
Words For Worms
You have great taste!
Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf
Awwww you’re so sweet! Your blog is one of my favorites, too! And C adores you. If I say “book blogger Katie” she corrects me: “You mean my friend penguin Katie?”
Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf
Also, I’m excited to find a couple new-to-me blogs to check out! 🙂
You totally made my day. It was not the best morning and then I rest this and poof the day got better. Thank you! So, Chicago BEA 2016, there will be hugs.
AMB (Koiviolet)
Awww, thanks for including my blog! This was a lovely surprise (& a really nice bright spot in a week otherwise clouded by the flu!).
I love so many of the blogs you’ve listed. I’m looking forward to exploring the ones that are new to me.
Since 70% of these are already on my favorites list I’m off to check out the others!!
I couldn’t agree more! And the ones that are new to me I just added to my reader.
Half of these I follow – the other half I just added to Feedly. Thanks! Some of my standby blogs, which are likely known to you, are Shelf Love with Teresa and Jenny, Sophisticated Dorkiness (mostly non-fiction reviews), Booklust with Aarti, Farm Lane Books (lots of literary fiction) and The Captive Reader, who makes me jealous with her Vancouver pictures. All of these have been blogging for a while. I’m not as good at finding the “new blood” out there.
Sarah Says Read
You are the MOST awesome. **hugs**
And of COURSE I appreciate the Yoda-ism. I definitely went like a day or two only talking like Yoda back in high school.
Great list! I also love it when Rory has food photos and recipes. Books and food- what else do you need?!