The Violets of March by Sarah Jio

June 19, 2014 Flowers 22

Happy Thursday, Bookworms!

Sometimes after having read something outside of my comfort zone, I like to follow it up with a comforting read. My happy place is women’s fiction. I hesitate to call it “chick lit,” because I tend to think of chick lit as sassy, but my comfort reads are decidedly sweet. I was in need of some comfort after reading (and maybe being a teeny bit traumatized by) Hannibal: Enemy of Rome so I picked up another Sarah Jio novel, The Violets of March

violets of marchSarah Jio man. She never disappoints with the sweetness, I tell you. The Violets of March begins with Emily Wilson attempting to recover from her recent divorce. After her picture perfect New York life crumbles, Emily takes refuge with her eccentric Aunt Bee on Bainbridge Island (a mere ferry ride away from Seattle.)

As Emily settles in with her aunt, she discovers a diary tucked into the guest room night stand. Completely enthralled by the story told in the diary, Emily’s own writer’s block begins to thaw as she uncovers a mystery dating back to 1943. Of course, it’s a Sarah Jio, so her trademark dual narrative style is on display in full force.

Y’all I think this is my favorite Sarah Jio to date. I liked the story lines in both the present and the past. It had quirky old ladies, mystery, flowers, and (of course) romance! If you’ve ever harbored a desire to escape your surroundings or suspected that flowers have mystical healing properties, you and this book will get along famously!

Fess up, Bookworms. How many of you have daydreamed about leaving your grown-up existence behind and holing up on an island? 

*If you make a purchase through a link on this site, I will receive a small commission. I will put it into the “buy myself a private island” fund, but give up and just put a clod of dirt in my bathtub and call it my island.*

22 Responses to “The Violets of March by Sarah Jio”

  1. Melinda

    I will confess to that.
    Thanks for bringing this book to my attention. I’m feeling a bit down in the dumps this week, so I definitely need some sweet cozy read. I just added this to goodreads and will go browse for it on amazon.

  2. TJ

    I think I have this waiting for me on my Kindle. I’ve been reading a lot of WWI fiction lately and could use a little sweetness in between.

  3. Megan M.

    I’ve read this book! I thought it was sweet but the mystery should have been stronger.

    Living on an island sounds like one of those things that would be fabulous 99% of the time but really, really suck when there was a hurricane or some other kind of natural disaster. I’m too neurotic to ignore that 1%. LOL

    • Words For Worms

      Yeah, the mystery element wasn’t the strongest, but the warm fuzzies helped make up for it. I couldn’t live on an island either, I’d be the same way with that 1% worry!

  4. Sarah Says Read

    “How many of you have daydreamed about leaving your grown-up existence behind and holing up on an island? ”


    I enjoyed the quirky old ladies in this, but I think it’s one of my least favorite Sarah Jio novels.. I think she definitely got better with time 🙂

    • Words For Worms

      Sarah, when I’m a zillionaire and have my own island, you can come live on it. Bring the Honeyman. We’ll go half-sies on the island and build a library right in the middle.

  5. Amy @ Read a Latte

    I pretty much always want to pack it up and move to a secluded island, but ESPECIALLY after I finish a book like this. We Were Liars and Seating Arrangements made me wish for a summer island, too!

  6. Ciska @ Ciska's Book Chest

    Ow yes!! Am sitting at my desk in the office right now and you just put this image in my head… need to leave NOW!!

    Loved this book. It was the first (and up till now only) book by Sarha Jio but she is for sure on my radar.

  7. Jenny @ Reading the End

    “How many of you have daydreamed about leaving your grown-up existence behind and holing up on an island? ”

    NOT ME. I mean, maybe for a week or two, yes, but then I would want to come home where I have wireless and libraries and Trader Joe’s. :p

  8. Emily

    Oh, I’m definitely adding this to the TBR pile. As far as fantasizing about holing up on an island, if we’re being honest, I have to admit I do it daily. My favorite place on earth is an island in the St. Lawrence river (upstate NY) and I vacation there every summer. No matter how long I’m there, it’s never long enough and I would live there year round if I could. (Ok, probably not because it is not inhabitable during the 9 months out of the year when the river freezes solid…) But I’m ready to go for a visit right now!

  9. Heather @ Capricious Reader

    Dude. While this all sounds good, you lost me at DUAL NARRATIVE. I think I’m burned out on them things. Ugh. I think I have this book too…maybe next time I have an itch for some dual narratives. *sigh* It sounds so good! Damn.

  10. Katie @ Doing Dewey

    Really, who hasn’t dreamed of leaving grown-up life and living on an island? 🙂 I love dual narratives and while Jio’s The Last Camelia wasn’t my favorite, I liked her writing enough that I do plan to give her another try in the future.

  11. Allison @ The Book Wheel

    I’ve read two Jio books and, of the two, this is my favorite one. As for your question, I’m not quite sure I’ve given up on dreaming about leaving life behind and living on an island 🙂

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