Tag: Mhairi McFarlane

2021, Week the Twenty-First: Give Me All Your Rom-Coms and Nobody Will Get Hurt

2021, Week the Twenty-First: Give Me All Your Rom-Coms and Nobody Will Get Hurt

Hey There, Bookworms, Life is slowly but surely starting to get lively again. I’ve now got errands to run and things to coordinate and stuff to worry about. Who am I kidding? I worry about everything all the time pandemic notwithstanding. It’s basically the description of my Enneagram personality type. Anybody else a 6? We’re… Read more »


2021, Week the Fourteenth: I Feel Fine Enough, I Guess. Considering Everything’s a Mess.

2021, Week the Fourteenth: I Feel Fine Enough, I Guess. Considering Everything’s a Mess.

Hidey Ho, Bookworms!I was trying to think of a subtitle for this week’s blog and all I could come up with were 20 year old Barenaked Ladies lyrics. Hi, I’m An Old. Anyway. I’m very very slowly meandering through a non-fiction book right now. It’s really good and interesting but I just cannot read non… Read more »
