What big eyes you have, Bookworms! How much have you been digging Project Fairy Tale? I lot, I assume. I mean, it has been, for lack of a better word, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. The latest addition to my Little Red Riding Hood repertoire is a collection of short stories by Vivian Vande Velde. Cloaked in Red takes… Read more »
Tag: Little Red Riding Hood
Hey There, Little Red Riding Hood: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
Happy Friday Bookworms! It’s time to delve back into the wonder that is Project Fairy Tale. I’ve mentioned that the lovely Alison at The Cheap Reader is hosting this event, but I should also mention that my pal Quirky Chrissy (who I know in real life and EVERYTHING) is also participating by dissecting Rumpelstiltskin. Check… Read more »
Little Red Riding Hood meets Beauty and the Beast meets the Thriller Video: Scarlet Moon by Debbie Viguie
Happy Friday, Bookworms! What’s that? You want to hear me ramble about Little Red Riding Hood again? You’re in luck because more Project Fairy Tale is coming your way! Scarlet Moon by Debbie Viguie is a young adult novel that takes Little Red Riding Hood and molds into something completely different… Not unlike the way I can… Read more »
Little Red Riding Hood: Where Fairy Tales meet Soylent Green
Happy Tuesday, Bookworms! Once upon a time, I committed to Project Fairy Tale. The brain child of Alison at The Cheap Reader, a bunch of bloggers got together and decided to check out some fairy tale goodness. This month I’m going to be diving head first into all things Little Red Riding Hood… Within reason. I… Read more »