Howdy Bookworms, It’s Tuesday! This week the ladies of The Broke and the Bookish have taken a new tack, I shall be listing the top ten things that make my life easier as a reader and blogger. Cool right? Here goes… 1. Kindle Paperwhite. I know that there’s still a lot of debate concerning “real”… Read more »
Tag: goodreads
9 out of 10 Penguins Prefer My Blog (The 10th Penguin was Eaten by a Leopard Seal.)
Hello my Bookworms! I know, I know, I’ve been absent. I’m sorry. I’ve been rolling around jovially in a potent stew of holiday spirit, thousands of cookies, and more than a few drops of liquor. It’s been a magical experience, to be sure. I’ve been trying to keep up with my reading, but you try… Read more »