Howdy Bookworms, I’ve been reading through Beverly Jenkins’s backlist lately and I thought I’d tell you about the Grayson Family duology in the same post even though it’s slightly out of the chronological order of my reading. As though anyone other than me is keeping tabs on that sort of thing. Sometimes my brain boggles… Read more »
Tag: Beverly Jenkins
2021, Week The Fourth: Whirlwind Romances For the Win
Howdy Bookworms, Am I the only one among us who googles the progress on COVID vaccinations on the daily? Sigh. I’m so glad vaccines exist and that they work, but I have never been so impatient to get a shot in my whole ding dang life. I might have been this impatient to get pain killers when… Read more »
The Old West Series by Beverly Jenkins
Howdy Bookworms,I’ve been reading a lot of Beverly Jenkins lately. My favorite thing about reading is learning… stuff. I’m not talking about when you read a non-fiction book dedicated to a particular subject. My absolute favorite book learning is picking up seemingly random tidbits in unexpected places. For example: I’ve read a surprising number of… Read more »
Boosting Black Voices: Rom-Com Edition
Hi Bookworms, It’s been a week, hasn’t it? I’m going to take a pass on a regular weekly update. It hardly seems appropriate given the circumstances. Today, I want to take the opportunity to highlight some books by excellent Black authors that aren’t going to land on any social justice reading lists. Most of what… Read more »
Weekly Wrap-Up 2020: The Seventh
Greetings Bookworms! I’d just like to take a moment to give myself a high five for keeping these weekly posts going longer than I anticipated when I made my New Year’s Resolution. Yes, I know it’s only February, but I expected to make it 3 weeks, tops. As it turns out, I really, really missed… Read more »
2020 Weekly Wrap-Up: The Sixth
Well Bookworms, it’s been a week! Jim just got back from a business trip. He was gone for just over a week. I didn’t mention it at the time because it’s not a great idea to plaster the internet with notifications that you’re home alone with a toddler. Sammers and I had a lot of… Read more »