Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts: April 6, 2016

April 6, 2016 Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts 24

Happy Wednesday, Bookworms!

It’s the middle of the week, and really, the only way we should be celebrating is with a bit of nonsense, don’t you agree? Thankfully, Christine at Bookishly Boisterous has created just the meme for my meandering thoughts. Let’s do this thing!


ONE: I recently told a friend who was trying to comfort her fussy baby to tell said baby that “crankiness is not becoming in a gentleman.” I’ve been reading a lot of WWI era books, it’s really not my fault. (To nobody’s surprise, the very proper admonishment was not effective in the slightest.) *Note- said advice was completely tongue in cheek. I don’t go around giving parenting advice, seeing as I have no idea what I’m talking about.*

TWO: It’s been well established that I’m not a foodie. At all. Which is probably why these Tasty and other cooking videos on Facebook baffle me so much. Like… Why would I want to make homemade Cheez-Its? Or go through the trouble of making Choco Tacos from scratch? Or bread mozzarella sticks with Doritos? (In fairness, I think the Doritos crusted mozzarella sticks are intriguing, but the effort involved doesn’t seem worth it.) All of these things are infinitely more troublesome than just purchasing something pre-made, and as far as I can tell, none of them exclude any potential allergy causing ingredient. (It would make a little more sense to me if it were like “hey gluten free Cheez-Its!” or something. But it isn’t.) Just… Why?

THREE: My Brother in Law and Sister in Law gave me a gorgeous new edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass for Christmas. I am pondering a re-read. Would anybody be interested in joining along? I’ve been all kinds of terrible with organizing things blog-wise lately, but I might make an exception for Alice.

FOUR: Speaking of Alice in Wonderland, you know that thing when you’re planning you annual visit across 2 states to see your BFF and she texts and asks if you want her to get tickets to a production of Alice in Wonderland the ballet? Oh you don’t? I thank my lucky stars that the staff at my middle school were so un-creative as to have alphabetized everything from locker assignments to lunch tables. You never know when the gal who shows up late to class on the first day wearing a Loony Tunes t-shirt, rocking a permed ponytail, and toting a trombone case will turn out to be a lifelong friend.


I believe these were our 7th grade spring pictures. Usually I’m very very happy that we didn’t have access to cameras 24/7 at that time, but I kind of wish I could find a shot of just the two of us in all our 6th grade glory. Because you guys. That perm she had. And my braces. We actually look really good here.

FIVE: I watched Inside Out this weekend. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, I cried my face off. Bing Bong. SOB.

These are things that have been running through my head this week. What’s going on in your world, Bookworms?

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24 Responses to “Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts: April 6, 2016”

  1. Lindsey

    Those pictures are most excellent. I did not meet my bff until high school, so our pictures are a little different. But I had three younger sisters to live through the 90s with, and there is lots of photographic evidence.

  2. Megan M.

    We watched Inside Out last summer when my stepdaughter was visiting. When they did the Imaginary Boyfriend part (“I would DIE for Riley”) all of us girls laughed so hard you couldn’t hear another thing they said for a good three minutes. It became the joke du jour. “I would DIE for (fill-in-the-blank)” said exactly the same way. Also, Xander giggled when I went to your page today – I think he likes your bunny glasses picture.

    • Words For Worms

      LOL now I just want to run around saying “I would DIE for … ” Um Xander has the CUTEST giggle face so this makes me VERY happy. I would DIE for Xander’s giggle face!

  3. ThatAshGirl

    OMG I cried during Inside Out. What an amazing movie. I avoid giving people parenting advice because yeah, by baby is furry and poops in a box. But it’s hard to not compare them to how you were raised. I hear how some kids talk to their parents and I’m like…oh hell no.

  4. lostinliterature108

    I’m up for an Alice read along. (You know I have the edition they used on LOST with Jack reading to Aaron.):)

    Other than apparently acquiring allergies in my adult years, all is good.
    And I just kicked butt on that alliteration. Thank you.

  5. Kristen M.

    I think I own one or two copies of Alice here that I haven’t actually physically read yet so I will join! I’m also debating getting the updated annotated version even though I own the last annotated version and do I really need to go down that rabbit hole? 😉

  6. Jennine G.

    Lifelong friends are amazing. I have two, one of 20 years and one of 27 years. It’s nice to know someone has been with you that long and still likes you! Haha!

    I am seeing Inside Out for the first time weekend after this. I’m babysitting three kids under age five for a weekend and they love it, so I’m finally going to see it!

  7. Jenny

    Yep! Why make it when you can buy it? I sobbed like a baby during Inside Out too.

  8. Rory

    Seven grade is best forgotten. Shudder. I still had my braces too. And I’m not quite a foodie, but I prefer things made at home, so I could totally go for homemade Cheezits. But really, there’s no way they’d be as good as the extra toasty store bought one.

  9. Christine @ BookishlyB

    I enjoy cooking and being a martyr about making things from scratch, but, I agree. There are some things that should not take seven hours. Like graham crackers- who the hell needs to make their own graham crackers? Or marshmallows? Just no.

Talk to me, Bookworms!

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