Month: August 2015

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fford

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fford

Greetings Bookworms! Have you ever wanted to jump right into a book? Like dive into the pages and chill with your favorite characters? My latest read offered just that opportunity! I’ve had people recommending The Eyre Affair to me for years and only just got around to it. I’m kicking myself for this procrastination now… Read more »


Questioning Katie: What’s With the Penguins?

Questioning Katie: What’s With the Penguins?

Howdy Howdy Bookworms! I’m braving another edition of Questioning Katie even though the internet thinks I’m bonkers. That’s right. The day the post in which I announced I’d be interviewing myself went live, Skype saw fit to show me ads for schizophrenia medication. I’m rather offended that the internet thinks I’m significantly more severely mentally ill than I… Read more »


