Greetings Bookworms!
I love y’all. Have I mentioned that? I love the book blogosphere, too. It’s where I get most of my book recommendations. Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to reading something, but there are some bloggers (and generally awesome human beings) who never steer me wrong. My girl Heather at The Capricious Reader thought the Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness was amazing and, as usual, she was right. I’m going to talk about the books The Knife of Never Letting Go
, The Ask and the Answer
, and Monsters of Men
as a unit (a spoiler-free unit) because it’s making me think all the thoughts. This one’s for you, Ethel!
What would you do if all your thoughts were suddenly audible? Every secret, every desire, every flash of anger and inappropriate thought broadcast for the world to hear. THAT is the world Todd Hewitt lives in. Todd is coming of age in a place called Prentisstown, a place full of angry men and their angrier Noise. All animals have Noise, too (and lemme tell you, dogs in Prentisstown think EXACTLY the way I believe actual dogs think.) One day Todd and his dog Manchee stumble across a shockingly quiet area in the swamp. With men and animals constantly broadcasting their thoughts, there’s no escape from the relentless Noise. Until now. Of course, mysterious silence comes with secrets, revelations, and the need to run for their lives.
The books themselves provide a good adventure story, great world building, and funky science fiction elements. My heart was SHATTERED several times, but I could not stop reading. I just couldn’t. There were all sorts of moral dilemmas and discussions of war, empathy, forgiveness, and the inner workings of animal minds that provide plenty for any brain to chew on. But what really blew my mind? The idea of a world where thoughts are audible. It has my mental wheels spinning and they will not stop.

I have uncharitable thoughts ALL THE TIME, usually in the grocery store. I don’t know what it is about shopping carts and aisles and checkout lines, but they turn my inner monologue into an aggressive, nasty place. After reading books featuring telepaths (this is the fault of Sookie Stackhouse, obviously) I’ve occasionally been extremely grateful that nobody actually can read my thoughts. The idea that EVERYONE could hear them (including Office Beagle!) was seriously disturbing.
Talk to me Bookworms. How would you feel if everyone around you knew exactly what you were thinking? How would you feel if you could hear everyone else’s thoughts? Am I the only person who turns into a raging lunatic at the grocery store?!
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Shannon @ River City Reading
I read this a while back, but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed them! I think I just have a thing for Mr. Ness. You’re totally right, though, everything was spot on!
Words For Worms
Was Manchee’s monologue not the best? Poo, Todd? I swear it was like getting inside Office Beagle’s head.
Jennine G.
I would hate to hear people’s thoughts and them to hear mine. We all make swift judgements that we keep to ourselves and revise upon later experience or information. It wouldn’t be fair to any of us for this to happen! But, I sure as hell would want to read about it! It makes for a good story, I’m sure!
Words For Worms
Wouldn’t it be nightmarish? I mean, you can try to school your thoughts, but it just isn’t possible. Brains are tricky and thank heaven for filters! Yikes!
Jancee @ Jancee Reads
So I live in this smallish city in Kentucky that turns into an absolutely crazy mess around Christmas. People blocking intersections, cutting others off in traffic, the mall area in general. If everyone could hear my thoughts, it wouldn’t be good. At all. Especially as I’m sitting through the light for the third time, watching my car overheat.
Words For Worms
Ooooh road rage! I’m terrible. When I’m in the privacy of my car I yell all sorts of obscenities. I rarely swear in the course of regular conversation, but in the car I am awful. Of course I would NEVER say any of these things to people face to face.
Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader
Oh my gosh, no. I think way too many things and way too many of them are NOT NICE, lol. Thank goodness for the filter between my thoughts and my mouth.
I’ve seen this series here and there and never paid much attention. You’ve given me pause though. Hmmm…maybe a series is just what I need?
Words For Worms
I think you might dig this one. I’m pretty cynical about YA trilogies, but this is good stuff.
Megan M.
That would be TERRIBLE! The only reason people think I’m nice is that I only say thirty percent of the things I think! LOL
The grocery store is a rage-inducing place, I tell you. If you and your family and your big. dumb cart are blocking me from where I want to go? I might look like a person who is smiling and patiently waiting, but inside I am cursing you up and down until you GET OUT OF THE G-D WAY.
Words For Worms
Oh my gosh, I am SO RELIEVED to hear I’m not the only one with Grocery Rage. We should form a support group.
Andi (@estellasrevenge)
Heather made me read this, too, and SHE WAS ALL THE RIGHT! It was amazing and heartbreaking and fabulous.
Words For Worms
Heather is pretty much the best. I love her.
If people could hear my thoughts I’d be beat up or in jail. Or, maybe a psychiatric facility. As for hearing other people’s thoughts it would be hard to find room in my head for my noise. Plus, I beat a lot of them would be sad.
All that aside, I too am grateful for all the book blogging lunatics out there who keep me reading!
Words For Worms
Yikes I hadn’t even THOUGHT about the fact that I’d probably be committed. Oye.
Jenny @ Reading the End
Oh, it would not be a good situation for me. I think all sorts of terrible stuff! And I don’t want to know all the terrible stuff everyone else is thinking either!
Words For Worms
It would seriously be THE WORST. Ooooh it gives me the shivers just thinking about it.
I am definitely with you on this one – I still have the 3rd book to read but absolutely love the series so far!
I probably have the most unfriendly thoughts when walking through central London (or any packed area to be honest). I believe the official term is pedestrian rage. It’s not pretty.
Katie @ Doing Dewey
I have a hard time picking up books I know are going to be sad, but these books sound so good and so thought, I should really listen to the blogosphere and give them a read too!
My grocery store thoughts are angry too! I’d like to think I’m a nice person in real life, but my inner monologue is snarky and sarcastic. I’d hate if people knew what I thought (especially my kids, to be honest).