The Major’s Daughter by JP Francis

July 28, 2014 Historical Fiction, World War II 20

Greetings Bookworms,

I don’t know what’s going on with me lately, but I feel like Grumpy Pants McGee. I’m not sure if it’s just a bit of a summer slump or if I’m slowly morphing into an old man who yells at kids to get off his lawn. Probably the latter, if only I had a cane…. In any case, I kind of feel bad for the books I’m reading right now. I can’t say for sure my feelings aren’t tainted by my inner curmudgeon. I would like y’all to keep that in mind with today’s review. *I received a complimentary copy of The Major’s Daughter by JP Francis from the publisher for review consideration.*


The Major’s Daughter takes place during WWII. A group of German prisoners of war were brought to New Hampshire to work in the logging industry for the duration of the war. Heck, young men were a premium commodity, with all the able bodied fellows putting on uniforms and heading to the front. Collie’s father is the Major in charge of the logging POW camp. She’s using her school girl German to help facilitate communication between the prisoners and the guards.

OF COURSE, there’s a super studly German POW who catches her eye. August is a gentle soul, exhausted and mortified by the Nazi cause, but bound by circumstance to serve his country. He’s young and handsome. Collie is young and beautiful. They can speak to each other in two languages. Anybody have a guess as to where this is going???

I had a heck of a time getting into this book. It must be my jaded cranky inner old person coming out, but I’ve lost my taste for star crossed lovers. It wasn’t just Collie and August. Collie’s BFF Estelle finds herself in a similar situation, though her forbidden love is of Indian descent. He’s actually a perfectly respectable citizen, he just lacks the right connections and complexion to be accepted into Estelle’s world.

The situations presented in the book were compelling enough, despite my reticence to give creedence to insta-love. What I really struggled with is the book’s outcome… And I can’t even tell you about that because SPOILERS. Still. If you like historical fiction, novels set during WWII, and/or tales of star crossed lovers, you might really enjoy The Major’s Daughter

Tell me something, Bookworms. Do you ever feel like love is a “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” proposition? Let’s discuss.

*If you make a purchase through a link on this site, I will receive a small commission.*



20 Responses to “The Major’s Daughter by JP Francis”

  1. Shannon @ River City Reading

    Oh man, come over to my grump corner and we can yell at kids to get off our lawns together. I’m totally with you on feeling bad for the books I’m reading right now, I’m kind of angry at the world.

  2. Heather @ Capricious Reader

    It must be spreading, cause I’ve been seriously grumpy too. Maybe it’s the heat? You, me, Shannon, and Andi (cause I know she’d want in on this game) need to go on a senior citizens cruise with our walkers and canes and just beat the heck out of all the young’uns. Whatcha say? You in? LOL

  3. Martha G

    I too have problems with the end of Collie’s story. Given the times and the prejudices of those times, Estelle’s story is the more realistic of the two romances in this book. Hard to discuss Collie without giving spoilers, but there is something in my mind that says the justice system of the time was given short shrift. I think this would make a good book club discussion. Do the characters in this book face the consequences of their own behavior?

  4. Megan M.

    I’m always cranky. These damn kids get their crumbs everywhere! Why can’t you eat your Pop-Tarts and crackers over a plate, kids?? Why do you have to make me want to Hulk-smash everything when I’m vacuuming at 7:30 am??? And I am so NOT a morning person, even if I’ve gone to bed early. Can my old lady name be Ethel? I feel like I can really rock Ethel.

  5. Melissa B.

    Nice review. I passed over this one because it just didn’t seem to appeal to me. I’m glad I did. Feeling grumpy too!

  6. AMB

    I’m sorry you’re in a bit of a summer slump! I hope your next read is a better fit. I like historical fiction, but I don’t think the star-crossed lovers stuff is for me either.

  7. Jennine G.

    I feel I’m in the same boat here lately, anything is going to just be meh. I know mine is due to a rough week or so of just plain old life. A funeral and a wedding, each for a young person I’ve worked with, in the same week took it all out of me and I just feel blah. Thankfully, I’m reading a YA book I didn’t have too high of hopes for anyway, so maybe it’ll work me through this week in time for something good!

    • Words For Worms

      Emotionally draining, I hear you there. This summer has been a big one for tragedy around these parts. I’m ready for something non horrible to happen!

  8. Katie @ Doing Dewey

    I’m not a huge fan of star-crossed lovers myself. Too frustrating! I’m also a bit burnt out on WWII books, so I’ll probably be passing on this one, at least for a while.

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