Authors I “Met” in 2013: Top Ten Tuesday!

December 17, 2013 Top Ten Tuesday 29

Good Day, Glorious Bookworms!

I’m getting back on the bandwagon this week with The Broke and The Bookish. It’s THE RETURN of Top Ten Tuesday! The week, the ladies asked us to list our favorite “new to me” authors in 2013. I ran into a whole lot of awesome new-to-me authors this year. Let me tell you ’bout them!


1. Rainbow Rowell: In 2013, I read every book Rainbow Rowell has ever published. Sure, her catalog is only three titles (Attachments, Eleanor & Park, and Fangirl), but I cannot get enough. New release in 2014? Heck yes! Rainbow, we should be pals. I’m only minimally creepy. Swearsies. (Reviews here, here, and here.)

2. Mira Grant: I freaking love Mira Grant. I loved her take on zombies in the Feed trilogy. I love her mad scientists. I love her slightly manic characters. I can’t put down her books, and I don’t want to try. Yay, Mira! (Reviews here, here, and here… And here.)

3. Jojo Moyes: I was BLOWN AWAY by Me Before You and I adored The Girl You Left BehindI respect a writer who can both depress me and make me feel hopeful at the same time. Get back, Jojo! (Reviews here and here.)

4. Carol Rifka Brunt: Debut author? Are you kidding? Tell The Wolves I’m Home was probably the best book I read this year. Obsessed. Will read all future releases. (Review)

tellthewolvesimhome5. Justin Cronin: Oooooh scary, scary, scary. The Passage was great fun, I plan to read The Twelve soon, at which point I will begin whining and pining for the final installment in the trilogy. (Review)

6. Margaret Dilloway: The Care and Handling of Roses with Thorns broke a nasty reading slump for me. Hot damn, I love horticulture! (Review)

7. Elizabeth Wein: Because Code Name Verity ripped my soul apart and stitched it back together. (Review)


8. Maria Semple: not only was Where’d You Go, Bernadette funny and weird, a cruise to Antarctica featured prominently. PENGUINS. (Review)

9. Isaac Marion: At this point, everybody knows I’ve got a soft spot for zombie lore. Warm Bodies was basically Romeo and JulietIf Romeo craved human flesh. Loved it! (Review)

10. Jennifer Crusie: This gal is my new go-to for romance. I like my romance novels cheesy, but tongue-in-cheek. She hasn’t let me down yet! (Reviews here, here, and here)

So, there’s my list. It’s not exhaustive, but I think I covered the high points. What say you, Bookworms? New to you authors in 2013 you absolutely adored? Tell us about them!

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29 Responses to “Authors I “Met” in 2013: Top Ten Tuesday!”

  1. Megan M.

    Rainbow Rowell, hello, I think my author-stalking reached a whole new level with her. I read all of her books, I stalk her Facebook, her blog, her Tumblr, and any interview/podcast I can get my hands on. Landline in 2014!!!!

    I also finally read Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor and loved it. Planning on reading the other two books in the trilogy just as soon as the last one gets published.

    Then there was Katja Millay. She only has one book out (The Sea of Tranquility) but I am definitely a fan and can’t wait to see what she puts out next.

  2. Tiffany

    I started Rainbow Rowell this year too, but have only been able to mark Eleanor and Park off my list yet. But Fangirl is my next book of hers. And I have heard so much of Jojo Moyes, that I finally need to just read her!

  3. Liesel Hill

    Me too on The Passage. I didn’t put Cronin on my list (I’d actually started the Passage a year before, but didn’t get the chance to finish it) but I really loved it. Like you, I hope to read The Twelve sometime this coming year. And Code Name Verity has been sitting on my kindle forever! I’m hoping to get to it soon. 😀 Happy Tuesday!

    My TTT

  4. Andi (@estellasrevenge)

    I almost posted on this topic because I’ve “met” so many great authors this year. Rainbow Rowell and Jojo Moyes were on my list as well, and I definitely want to read The Twelve next year. It’s been far too long that I’ve let it fall to the wayside.

  5. Sarah Says Read

    I want to hug most of your list. And I REALLY REALLY need to read Jojo Moyes and Elizabeth Wein. (And this is good, because I for real need to aim to read more lady authors next year.)

    • Words For Worms

      I find myself reading lady authors by a vast margin. Half the time I don’t even know it’s happening, what with the initials throwing me off. I should read more dudes.

  6. Stephanie

    The amount of love being broadcast for Rainbow Rowell and JoJo Moyes is pretty hardcore! They’ll need to be acquaintances of my near future. I read a LOT of authors for the first time this year that I really loved. Rachel Hartman was probably my favorite YA and Ian McEwen my favorite grown up author:)

  7. Lindsay

    Apparently we read a lot of the same books this year! I also discovered (and loved) JoJo Moyes, Justin Cronin and Maria Semple. I just checked out “Eleanor and Park” from the library so I will finally see what all the Rainbow Rowell fuss is about, and though I didn’t read any Jennifer Crusie this year I do love her cute, funny romances! “Tell the Wolves I’m Home” sounds interesting — I added it to my TBR list!

  8. Katie @ Doing Dewey

    I loved JoJo Moyes too! I’ll be looking to read more from her for sure, I don’t think I’ve read anything by the other authors on your list, so I’ll keep in mind for the future 🙂

  9. Isi

    I have only read The passage (I re-read it this year, but I had read it before), which is a wonderful and thrilling story.
    It looks like you have discovered a ton of new to you great authors this year, that’s great! 😀

  10. bybee

    I can’t wait for Rainbow Rowell’s new book to come out next summer. She’s my most significant happy discovery of 2013.

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