The Fellowship of the Worms (It's the Book Club, Y'all!)

June 6, 2013 Book Club 48


Bookworms, it is time. You guys gave me some FANTASTIC ideas for Book Club names. Sadly, I could only choose one. The WINNER of the BOX OF AWESOME (including a $25 Amazon gift card) is ASHLEY ZIZICH! She suggested the name I chose which is: The Fellowship of the Worms!!!!!!

I’ve got to give some shout outs for honorable mention, because so many of you cracked me up.

1. Books, Tea, & Me suggested “The Words and Waddlers Book Club” which was soooo cute. PENGUINS!

2. Lyssa of Psychobabble suggested “Katie Wordypants and the Order of the Bookworms” which I loved because HARRY POTTER!

3. That Artsy Reader Girl suggested “Readers of the Lost Ark.” INDIANA JONES!!!

You win nothing, other than my undying affection… But that should be enough, right? Finally, Joules from Pocketful of Joules inspired the name for our book club mascot. Meet Wormy McSmartypants!

smarty mcwordypants

Wormy McSmartypants!

In appreciation for providing me with something I wasn’t aware I needed, I shall now present Joules with a limerick.

There once was a blogger named Joules.

She was sassy and suffered no fools.

She’s just like my sister

I didn’t know how I’d missed her

‘Till the internet gave me the tools.

Alright people. The time has come. I’ve chosen the first book!!! We’re going to be reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. I will be posting discussion questions on July 8th. I’ll include a linky (if I can figure out how) so that if any bloggers out there want to participate on their own blogs answering the questions or posting their own reviews, we can all talk about it together. I’m super, super excited! I hope you are, too!

On a side note, I’ve created some Fellowship of the Worms SWAG in my Zazzle store. I might be a little obsessed with putting Wormy McSmartypants and Le Kattoo on various items. You can make a friggin teapot, y’all. It’s the most fun! CLICK HERE!

48 Responses to “The Fellowship of the Worms (It's the Book Club, Y'all!)”

  1. Charleen

    Huzzah! And you’re using one of my favorite books, so I can try out your book club without doing any work! Excellent! (I suddenly feel like I’m back in school trying to figure out how I can get through the class discussions without doing the reading…)

    • Words for Worms

      LOL I do that all the time! My IRL book clubs often pick titles I’ve already read and I’m just like “mmmmm more time for Katie’s picks!”

  2. Heather

    Great name!! This book is already on my to be read shelf, so I guess I need to get started.

  3. dmauldin53

    I have ordered the book and hope to receive it soon. 🙂 I am so looking forward to the Fellowship of Worms book club!

    • Words for Worms

      Giiiirl, your package went in the mail today. Should be there Saturday, says Post Office lady. It’s got WORMS in it!!!!!!!!! (No really, it totally does!)

  4. Books, Tea & Me

    I actually just read that book not too long ago and it’s still fresh in my mind. Can’t wait! Also, I’m glad you liked my book club name! 🙂

  5. Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader

    Love the name! And Wormy McSmartypants? Genius!

    I actually just received The Thirteenth Tale in the mail from paperbackswap! Serendipitous, no? I don’t know if I’ll be able to join in the fun here because I have 14 million other things going on but I’ll sure try!

  6. Lisa G

    yay! I have this on my ereader and haven’t read it yet! My goal for reading this summer is to clear my TBR shelf some (at 85+ don’t think it’ll ALL get cleared), so thanks for the help!

  7. Lillian Connelly

    Best name ever! Also, I love that you have merchandise. How cool is that?

    • Words for Worms

      I was totally inspired by your Zazzle store! HA! I’m probably the only one who will buy my merch, but what they heck? It’s so much fun. I put a nerdy penguin on a teapot. A NERDY PENGUIN. ON A TEAPOT. It’s so magical!

  8. didibooksenglish

    My book club read The Thirteenth Tale maybe 3 years ago. As a whole we weren’t impressed. We thought it was ok. We felt she was trying to hard with her writing. #2 is kinda cute! Will try to join next time, even though I’ll be checking on the discussion.

  9. Ilene (BinkyBecky)

    The Fellowship of the Worms looks like it’s off to an enthusiastic start. The Thirteenth Tale is one of my favorites. Since I read it when it first came out I’ll have to read it again – a return trip I know I will enjoy!

  10. Sarah Says Read

    Eeeeeeee! I’m so excited this is happening! And I’m really, really tempted to buy myself a club tee shirt from your Zazzle store 🙂

    I read The Thirteenth Tale years ago and remember not particularly liking it, but I’m thinking maybe I’ll re-read it just so I can join in! And who knows, maybe I’ll feel differently about it this time around!

  11. Connie

    This sounds like great fun! I’ll see if our local library has that book and get to reading. 🙂

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