Hola, Bookworms!
We have come to day three of Armchair BEA and I am SO EXCITED! Today’s topic is… FREE STUFF! Actually, today is the day that Armchair BEA suggested that we hold giveaways on our blogs to thank everyone for being awesome and hanging with us. Yay!
About a month ago, I asked the delightful Bookworms on the Words for Worms Facebook page (which, by the way, if you do not already “like” you can do so HERE) if they’d be interested in participating in a book club hosted by MOI. The response was OVERWHELMING. Y’all want a book club! I live to serve, so I’m pleased to announce the formation of…
Yeah. I couldn’t think of a NAME. So. I’m going to hold a CONTEST! It’s easy to enter. Just leave a comment with suggestions of names for our book club. You can enter as many times as you want- leave anything you pretty little head can come up with. Tell your friends, perhaps they’ll have ideas. I’m partial to terrible puns, cheeky literary references, and pandering to my ego.
I will choose a name from among the reader suggestions. The person who comes up with the winning name will win FABULOUS PRIZES! Should the winner be a US resident, they will receive a box of assorted goodness so glorious that I cannot list it all here (partly because I’ve yet to assemble it.) It will definitely contain a $25 gift card to Amazon, which will be supplemented by do dads and fun things (possibly even… a dingelhopper!) Should the winner be a non US resident they will receive a $25 gift card to Amazon. And that’s it. Because, you guys. SHIPPING. Seriously. Alright. I’ll also throw in a personalized limerick for any potential international winners. (My limericks are legendary. Here’s PROOF.)
I will announce the winner a week from today along with our inaugural book club selection. I hope you’re all as excited as I am! Now, pretty please? Name! That! Book Club!!!!!!
***In the event that I get multiple entries for the same name, I’ll count the earliest time stamped suggestion. I know that it’s 100% plausible that multiple people come up with the same idea independently, but I’ve got to have some rules in place, you know?
On a completely unrelated note, today is the 30th and GOLDEN birthday of my butter churning best friend from a past life, Chrissy of Quirky Chrissy. Stop by her blog today to wish her a happy birthday. I can’t tease her for being old because I already turned 30, but if you’re younger and want to give her crap? I fully support your shenanigans. Happy Birthday, Jelly Bean! XOXO!
Andi ABCs
What a fun idea!
Reader Rendezvous came to mind or the synonyms for the words book club, Libretto Bludgeon. 🙂
Good Luck.
Okay I came up with the perfect book club name for you.. The Wormy McSmartyPants book club. I know… perfection.
Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader
Oh noes! So much pressure!
The Certifiably Awesome Words for Worms Book Club :/
Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader
Nichole Thornton
The Least Dorky Book-Club Ever Book Club
Thesaurus Shrugged
The Everything but Jackie Collins Book Club
A Book in the Hand is Worth Two on the KIndle
Penguins Love Fish and Books
The I Have a Lot of Time to Spend Making up Titles Book Club
There names are super, fabulous, ……………………………………………………….., whatever!! These are imaginernary and super dorky and all…… I just can’t stop telling about fab names. Whoever has written and imagined these names must be very very very very…………………………………….. uncountable very creative mind. I can’t stop telling about it. But whoever has imagined these names are super cooooooooooooooooooool.
Quirky Chrissy
BookPenguins are Even Cooler than BookWorms Book Club. Thanks for the mad love, Old Woman. O:-)
Diana Springer
The Worm Hole Book Club or what about The Call of the Worm Book Club!
I’m thinking, Book Club or The Bookworms – either one sounds cool. I love that you are starting a book club – I’m definitely in! How exciting!!
Shannon Gallagher (@backtoblk)
How about:
Worming through Words
Web Worms Book Club
Through the Worm Hole Book Club
Worming through Books Web-style
Waddling and Worming Readers (waddling referencing your penguin!)
Wordy Worms
I think I should stop before someone thinks I’ve gone round the bend!!
Books, Tea & Me
Waddling Through Words
The Words and Waddlers Book Club
Books Aren’t Always Black and White
Great idea!
An Abundance of Worms Book club
The Language of Worms Book club
Are You There Worms? Its Me Katie book club
Gone with the Worms book club
The Fellowship of the Worms book club
How about Bookworms Anonymous
I remembered your little penguin mascot had a name so how about naming the club after him?
Le Kattoo and his Reading Mates (threw some Brit in there for you 🙂 )
Le Katoo’s Book Extraordinaires
Words with La Kattoo
Not Penguin Poo
Ellipsis …
Proofreaders Marks
The Old Man’s Scribbly Book Club
Stop me now!
Well- here are my random thoughts:
Boozy Bookworms (cause wine and reading go together, right?)
The Hell-Fire Club (just re-read Lord John, can you tell?)
Reads Well with Others
I am super excited about this book club! Can’t wait till it starts. 🙂
Lindsay Law (@LinzerLaw)
The Pen Wins Book Club, because the pen is mightier than the sword, and also..pen wins, because it sounds like penguins!
Andi (@estellasrevenge)
OMG I’m SO Not Creative! <–would be my book club's name. Hmmphf!
Wormhole Extravaganza
Katie Wordypants and the Order of the Bookworms
Irreverent Bookworms
…see what I did there?? I make key references.
Not Your Mama’s Oprah Book Club
Eyes On Your Own Book Club
Four Eyes Are Better Than One Book Club
Oh, maybe the Oprah thing is trademarked? I mean, using her name. Probably!! Also, I’m not in the book club. I was just playing, so feel free to ignore. 😛 Have fun!
Rick Wiedeman
The Book Hook (with a bookworm on it,as a logo).
We Actually Talk About the Books Bookclub
Whine and Books Bookclub (b/c we’re not afraid to whine about characters we hate LOL)
BYOB (Bring Your Own Books)
Page Turners
That’s all I can come up with but I am loving all of these clever suggestions! You’re going to have a tough job Katie!
Okay I had a look at my Pinterest board for inspiration….
The Book Drunkards
The Librocubicularists (pinterest says this means a person who reads in bed)
I’m With the Banned Bookclub – we could only read banned/challenged books, that might be too limiting, obviously, but it’s an idea
Can’t, I’m Booked Bookclub
Good Books, Good Friends Bookclub
Okay, I’ll stop now.
Colleen Turner
The Brainy Book Babes! I like that one :). Or, if you have men that join as well….the Brainy Book Buds!
Sarah Says Read
Katieeeee, you’re starting a book club?? This sounds amazing. But I have a question – is it going to be on FB only?
Hmmm… naming ideas… this is going to be tough.
The Book Club of Amazingness
Katie’s Wormy Book Club
Katie and the Worms Book Club (okay actually I really love this one)
I also second these earlier suggestions:
The Wormy McSmartyPants book club
Wordy Worms book club
The Fellowship of the Worms book club
The Book Hook
Words for Worms
I’m breaking radio silence to tell you that the currently nameless book club will take place here on the blog. There will be a giant spoiler warning at the beginning of the post and I’ll pose questions to the crowd so we can talk about the WHOLE book. You can answer them in the comments, or I suppose if I get really tech savvy I could put one of those linky things up for blogger types who can’t be contained within the bounds of traditional comments. Facebook is merely my preferred means of testing the waters :).
Sarah Says Read
Sounds amazing! JUST AS I SUSPECTED.
ThatArtsyReaderGirl (@SweetestJana)
Pride and Worminess Book Club
The Great Wormsby
Read No Crap Club
Readers of the Lost Ark
Thanks for the giveaway!
I like The Fellowship of the Worms for a book club name as well.
Or you could always go with The Words for Worms Book Club. Simple, but effective.
Jennine G.
Here are my few ideas:
Pages and Penguins (or Penguins and Pages if you prefer)
On the Same Page
hmmm…maybe The Book Stops Here. Or What The Genre, Tattered Talers, Bibliobabblers, or Bookends.
Rick Wiedeman
Read White & Black: The Penguins Book Club.
Rick Wiedeman
The South Pole Dance? Oh, right. Books.
Rick Wiedeman
SPINECRACKERS. Because you do that when you open a book. And it sounds badass.
Tiffany Horton
We go so hard. We lose control.
Cause when I read I know I go hard. 😉
“Dude, we gotta book!” Cause you know, Hurley says that when they need to run from the smoke monster but it could still totally mean, “Dude, we’ve got a new book….” each month. Plus, I like Thesaurus Shrugged, Web Worms and Fellowship of the Worms. But I would love to scroll through my news feed each month and see “Dude, we gotta book…”
Worming Our Way to a Great Read………Hmm is that too long
Books Palooza
kim cuasay
Katie’s words every flavored worms ( HP series credits on jelly beans lol :))
Katie’s every flavored worms
Tomes Club
Elite book club
All about books
Celebrate Learn Unique Books (CLUB) >.<
Bag o worms club
bag of bookworms club
Katie's bag of tomes club/ bag of tomes club
and last but not the least…
Book Smack
Danielle Schneider
Ladies of Literature? Bookworm’s Book Bonanza?
We breathe books!
Page turners association
Barmy book army.
Hahah, okay, I was going to try to think of a name, but everyone else has come up with so many amazing names that I am just going to slow-clap over here.
(Also, I googled “worm” and a strangely adorable graphic came up. Not a real picture of a worm. It was a cartoon worm. Don’t infantilize us, Google! We can handle an image of a real worm!)
Words for Worms
Kudos on the slow clap- so many awesome names to choose from! And you had me busting a gut over google and their worm cartoons. They have it in for us, you know!
Worm Food.
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
Book Worms Read for Worms. I know…you can’t stand the awesomeness 😉
I meant Book Worms Read for BOOKS. Great day, I can’t type!
Diamond Nazaneen
We Breathe Books! Hmm…maybe that would be too redundant saying we breathe books book club?
Ok so here’s another – In the Company of Books – ah I did it again! It seems it’s hard for me go choose a name that doesn’t end in “books”!
:p good luck!
Diamond Nazaneen
Oh wow, someone already thought of We Breathe Books!? No way!!
Ok. So I stick by my second one then 🙂
Lisa LaVergne-Pottgen
What about Booking through Fiction.
Or Bookeaters. I think I like bookeaters.
The Penguin Book Lovers’ Club (although that could allude to the Penguin Books press)
Pageturners Anonymous
Hungry Worms Book Club
Don’t Bother Them for 10 more Pages Club
Book Hangover Recovery Club
I think that’s all I’ve got. Nice giveaway! 😀
Nicole joy toccalino
I’m starting a book club , so far we have 6 and we’re Reading off the page , written Jody Picoult and Van Leer !
Nicole joy toccalino
I’m starting a book club , so far we have 6 and we’re Reading off the page , written Jody Picoult and samantha Van Leer !
Hooked on Books, B.C. (before computers), or B.C.E. (before common Ebooks), Calling all Bibliophiles , and Character Corner. Good luck Looking for a tween book club name myself. I’m a teacher with a ,as you can see, limited imagination ?